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Old 06-6-2014, 03:17 AM   #1
Zageron E. Tazaterra
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Default Interpreters, inside C++.

Has anyone here ever used a LUA/Python/etc interpreter to build scripts or AI routines inside an engine which you were working on and compiling yourself?

I am looking at using CINT as my interpreter for my scripting engine, instead of a more common scripting language. Simply because once the AI script is finished, I hope to be able to have a build setup to actually compile the C++ scripts into non-interpreted code.

This would allow for rapid, compile free, development of routines and scripted events, while allowing actual compilation of that code when it was time for the module to release.

I have never used an interpreter before, I really don't know how they perform. However, the game I am designing is quite AI heavy, so I can assume that these routines would be running very frequently.

If anyone has any input they can give me, I'd appreciate it. If you're interested in what I'm talking about, feel free to ask questions. This is not only a way for me to get insight, but also for me to expand my understanding of the topic regardless. :)

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