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Old 05-17-2014, 03:27 PM   #34
Pseudo Enigma
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Default Re: FCC wants your thoughts on Net Neutrality

Originally Posted by Cavernio View Post
In Canada, isn't it rather hard to control monopolies when basically Bell and Rogers own ALL the cabling and telecommunications towers etc. anyways? I thought that's why canadian cell plans, internet etc was so expensive compared to most other countries. Even Teksavvy itself uses Rogers infrastructure and even technicians. It buys bulk bandwidth (or whatever it is they buy) from Rogers at a lower price so it still makes a tidy profit selling it for a slightly lower price than Rogers itself does.
What I get from what's happening in the states is that if the FCC is allowed to do what it wants, something like the equivalent of Rogers and Bell merging would be allowed. At this point, I'd already say we have monopolies going on with Rogers and Bell. Between the two of them, they control all other internet companies. As I said in the thread Choof linked at the beginning of the discussion, it is impossible to find an internet company that doesn't deal with Rogers or Bell. I'd go so far to say that they're the same company, but are getting around the rule by pretending they are two different companies altogether.

I'm not sure how it works in the states, but I assume it hasn't gotten that far yet. That's why it's important to end it down there before it starts. Or I might be full of shit.
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