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Old 04-14-2014, 04:33 PM   #115
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Default Re: Netflix animoo discussion

Originally Posted by Mike Weedmark View Post
(Double post because bump)

I finished Madoka. Probably the most unsatisfying end to a show I've seen in a while.

I generally like happy shows, but I understand what Madoka is, and I would've been okay with any number of tragic endings for any other character in it, but... I felt like in order for the story to have any value the way it was set up, Homura saving Madoka without losing her or separating her from her friends and family was non-negotiable.

Like yeah, Madoka's wish accomplished a lot of good things and did a passable job of saving the universe and so on, but you didn't need to watch five seconds of the show to know it was going to. She's the title character. If there was anything I thought the ending COULDN'T be about for the show to remain forceful and meaningful, it was denying Homura everything she spent the entire story striving for. A story she was BY FAR the most important character in. Maybe the only character who mattered at all.

Not because I just wanted a happier ending (although I did), but because the ending they did choose made me feel like nothing was resolved that wasn't guaranteed to be resolved anyway. It was a cop-out. Rather than dropping something clever enough to do the rest of the story justice, they just mailed in the wish they spent five or six episodes foreshadowing. They didn't need to give Homura a pefect happyhappykyun ending, but they could've had her finish with SOMETHING more than she started with. Something to make it feel like the show didn't finish exactly where it began, minus one pink-haired plot device. It had no human element. It had no sense of justice or resolution.

I can probably still give it a 9.0 just because the RIDE leading up to the end is so great, Kajiura's soundtrack is flawless, and the gestalt has so much cool-factor. But dat .
Watch rebellion. Be warned though: It'll either satisfy your need for a resolution or make you even more mad.
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