Thread: Hearthstone
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Old 04-10-2014, 12:15 PM   #208
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Default Re: Hearthstone

Originally Posted by Bynary Fission View Post
Holy mother of page stretch. I appreciate the visuals but please put them in spoiler tags or something haha.

-Argent Squire is for early drops. I suppose I could get rid of them but I feel uncomfortable having no 1 drops, though if I am going for control (which is where I am leaning) it won't matter if they aren't there.

-Good point about Faerie Dragon. A second PotW would be of use.

-I disagree about the Violet Teacher - it's extremely effective with the druid. Violet + Coin +Innervate + PotW = 4/6 and three 2/2s. I've had that combo happen before.

-I'll replace AoP, but I really do need to craft Nourish if I do.

-Defender of Argus is for my higher-level minions, but I don't see why it can't be replaced with Sunfury Protector. SP would be cheaper anyways.

-I'd love another Azure Drake, but I have to think about how I'll fit it in (replace Argus?)

-Stormwind synergizes great with Violet Teacher + tokens. I like the card but I have no qualms about replacing it with something else.

-I don't have an Ancient of Lore, Ysera, Cairne, Black Knight or Ragnaros. Actually, how the fuck do you have so many legendaries in the first place?

I appreciate your critique, I'm actually kinda glad I can dump the Argent Squires for something else without ruining the deck in the early phases of the game. The Ancient Watchers only work with Taunt or Silence but I almost always get those, especially since the Ancient Watcher is easy to put out at only 2 mana.
there are just too many situations where i believe you wouldn't have an opportunity to play violet teacher effectively; but then again i never tried her out, she just seems weak as a 3/5 for 4 and pumping out 1/1s

i got lucky with card packs i guess, i play a lot, and i've put in like $150 not including arena runs

i don't have a lot of unnecessary cards and i DE a lot of goldens that i don't use. i've DE'd a golden deathwing and golden jaraxxus so yea, lucky really
Originally Posted by t-rogdor View Post
i finally got a weed hookup again and i texted the dude asking where to meet him tomorrow and the dude just said "out west"

out west?
the fuck kinda location is west?
am i buying weed off a gotdamn pirate

Originally Posted by lurker View Post
remind everyone that i am an outed racist neo-nazi who no one in their right mind should ever interact with in any way whatsoever
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