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Old 03-30-2014, 08:22 PM   #39
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Default Re: Inward Hellix Riddle

Originally Posted by Reincarnate View Post
I'm not even that far yet, lol.

I am a little worried if all the riddles are going to be like this going forward. At least with Zest there was some logic behind each one (minus a few here and there), but as of the early 20's or so it's starting to feel more like a guessing game in certain parts -- the unfairness in question starting with the last stage of 21. I also consider 23 unfair, as well as 24. In other words, it's Notpron Greek territory within the opening set of levels.

Other riddles are fair, but are poorly hinted or underhinted. I've found that on many occasions a riddle was EASIER by ignoring the hints because they were too vague to be useful and therefore distracting / more likely to lead one astray. For example, problem 25a would have been much easier without that "from one up to two is wrong / wrong angle" thing (which I still don't understand even after having solved it). The dual-arrow thing is also misleading and should have been done another way. I might even go as far as to say "don't even look at the source for 25a."

For example, 27 says something is missing. It's pretty easy to tell what is missing -- but when you fill it in? Wrong. Try a variant? Wrong. Repeat, wrong. etc.
Yeah, the 20s are by far the weakest part of inwardhellix. I have no idea why beezqp frontloaded the game with all those pointless google-fu read-my-mind levels, but there you are. 21, 23, 24, 26 are a stark contrast to the zest 20s (i.e. puzzles that require google but are not attempting random keywords, everything logically clued, challenging, you don't just pluck the answer from a webpage).

Unfortunately there's one more level like this up ahead - 31 is probably the worst offender of this. I ranted at beezqp about it, but all he did was add a rather useless hs After 31, though, the levels get much better very quickly...from 30 to 60 is pretty much business as usual, cool puzzles, no (very few) more silly psychic games, actual logic (you're gonna love 34).

I will say though that I thought 25a was fine, although all the bs in the source is liable to get to you if you don't get it quick, because you start to overcomplicate things. 25a was interesting in the sense that you weren't so much clued directly in words/pic but rather the implicit themes behind the picture and words. I liked it, but the from one up to two shit could def have been moved to 25b (for the record he means 1+1=/=2, as a hint for 25b).

And 27 is actually not as unfair or illogical as you think it is, but you have to get the hook first. You'll kick yourself - don't overthink this, think more along the lines of zest 67

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