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Old 02-13-2014, 09:26 PM   #17
Pseudo Enigma
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Default Re: You know, Ive been thinking... opinion on this topic changes all the time.

Even if it's wrong to carry around a security blanket, some kids are allowed to. God just seems to be humanity's security blanket, and if you try to take that away from them they will fight you tooth and nail. Sure the extremists do really bad things, but other than that, is it really hurting anyone to let them believe in such things? Whatever makes one happy is a good thing IMO.

Sure it's wrong, but it's not like the answer isn't there for them to grab at any time. They can live in a delusion and be happy, or they can accept that there likely isn't a god. It's entirely up to them though, because of free will.

If you can't accept the above, then that's another problem all together.
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