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Old 02-5-2014, 04:00 AM   #93
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Default Re: Who is the best rhythm gamer you've seen in your rhythm gaming career?

Never heard of ABCD but his videos are nuts. I'll stick to what I can judge better though, which is 4k SM. Speedwise, I'll have to go for staiain. MA-wise, Dynamo is pretty much beyond the pale.

Overall, though, I'll have to vote for dossar, for his allround skills; he doesn't seem to have any real weaknesses. He used to have quite shitty MA, but in his last active year or so, that also improved so much. He has amazing stream speed, can vibrate, trill, do runningmen, jacks, staircases, handstream and everything else you can think of at top tier level. Close tie: rubix, big inspiration to all ffr and sm players who have been around for more than a few years.
Sick nature
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