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Old 10-13-2013, 05:40 AM   #223
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Default Re: 9th Official Tournament -- Sign-ups open!

Yes, I asked for a redo, but I didn't get it. You said very specifically one song tipped it over. I've not played Ruins in years, and that's what 'tipped' it over last time.

However, my scores now aren't equal to my scores from 2 years ago. I used to consistently FC Z by DM Ashura, and now I find it almost impossible. None of my scores seem to be time stamped though, so you'd never know.

I only have two things even remotely close to heavy, and that was when I started. That was before the 6th official tournament I believe? Those are tokens I worked for. But those were also when I played Index. These days I'd be lucky to FC a 50.

Regardless, I'm not going to put strain on myself if I get D3. I'm not going to play the same song over and over, (and possibly not even like it) and still get eliminated first week because I'm below 95% of the active people there, and then watch the final result for D2 be a SDG for what is a lot harder than the first song in D3.

Really, it's always the same thing if you ask me. People who border D5/D6 and get put in D5 win. People who border D1/D2 and get put in D1 win, and really, it's bull crap, and it's not fun.

Not happening again. Sorry. It's D2, or I'm not playing.
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