Thread: Eze AMA
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Old 09-24-2013, 09:05 AM   #65
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Default Re: Eze AMA

Originally Posted by Zapmeister View Post
... and the tiger very quickly and smoothly calls as well. The turn card is 10s. The tiger quickly checks without showing any emotion at all. The zebra is thinking hard about its decision, and looks intimidated by the tiger's immense stare directly at it, and uncomfortably bets 5 times the minimum. Do you fold, call, raise, or run screaming?

Why does IKEA sell armchairs and sofas in sizes of 3/2, 5/2, and 7/2 seats, even though you can't have half a person?

Who's responsible for handing out credits from the ffr credit jackpot?

What is the most physically scared you have ever been in the last one year? (actual fear, so not like "I'm going to screw up this ffr run" scared, or "I forgot to do my homework" scared, etc)
Depends on the situation, if he was anticipating that moment, I would probably fold. I wouldn't take the risk of calling anything that I'm not comfortable with, not to mention there's a probably much higher chance that he has a 6/J of any suit to beat me unless I get a full house (which is an even lower probability) anyway. If it was on impulse, I'll probably call because it's probably another scare. It's also shown by the fact that the zebra is getting intimidated anyway.

For people who have OCD, to buy an additional one to get a nice whole number. For anyone who don't have OCD, for people who have children (0.5 seats) or probably larger than the average person and would take 1.5 seats.

I believe lightdarkness is the person who is supposed to give out credits, but I don't think he's been active lately. Velocity has been sending out the jackpot nowadays I think. Could be wrong.

Over the past few years, I've turned from a little sensitive child to a pretty cold/emotionless statue. I haven't been traumatized or something, but these days I've never felt many emotions in my life. The answer would be no, I don't think there's any time over the past year that I've been physically scared, aside from shocks and surprises. If you don't just mean through fear, but through worry as well, I was pretty scared for my girlfriend's health a few weeks ago. First time I was worried for anyone in a while.

Originally Posted by mi40 View Post
do you have black hair

Originally Posted by top View Post
r u a qt azn boi
Originally Posted by mi40 View Post
Ji summed up my answer pretty well. But no, I'm not.
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