Thread: Ravi Zacharias
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Old 08-12-2013, 06:44 PM   #67
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Default Re: Ravi Zacharias

Originally Posted by star reaper View Post
The example he uses to refer back to what Ravi has said is about the sun and it's rising. Well, morality and what causes it's function to be there is what he is talking about. The basis of these two things are different. One happens such as the sun going over head, while the other one is there, but why does anyone live by these things? Nothing then is wrong if these values are not upheld.
I like how you totally didn't understand the metaphor used to point out the flaw in logic. That or you are just ignoring it because you don't want to believe this guy is wrong.

Denial is a powerful thing.

Let me break it down for you. The weird guy is saying

If A then B, if B then C, if C then D must be true.
If D is true, then C is true, if C is true then B is true, if B is true then A is true.

The problem is that there was a jump from C to D that was a fallacy.
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