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Old 07-26-2013, 12:45 AM   #142
FFR Player
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Age: 32
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Default Re: People you miss from the community

I feel kinda weird posting in this thread since I'm basically a ghost already, but I can't help reminiscing about this community.

05-06 FFR will always hold a special place in my heart. 14 year old me would come home from school, grab a star crunch and start up FFR, every day. I remember whoring stay with me cause I liked the song. Then Shash came along and we pretty much went head to head for the better part of 05 or so if my memory serves me properly. It's so weird to think that back when I first found this place I had barely even started puberty, and now I'm old enough to buy alcohol. Damn I'm getting old.

Overall, people I miss most:
- Reach. Dude was just pure awesome.
- Thaor. Porco Dio! I remember he wanted to try and make versus videos with me but we never got around to it.
- Zagh and Blurk. They were so funny. Also made amazing simfiles.
- Tsutter. I was always kind of scared of getting on his bad side because the guy could really rain fire on you.
- Glove. It's something that keeps your hand warm when it's cold, what could be better?
- Probably alot of other people I can't think of at the moment since I've been away so long but these guys stand out.

Happy stepmaning!
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