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Old 07-22-2013, 08:17 PM   #8032
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
Get both. Riven doesn't really need the attack speed in tier one and is obviously not going to take crit or frenzy so I'm not sure what you were using to get to 21 points. When I play Riven I usually wind up taking this. You can move points out of Butcher and tower damage to finish Havoc and get a little of the attack speed if you want, but I like Butcher for farming under tower. Useful if you get behind or their jungler decides to camp and push you into tower. Also just helps in general for pushing and clearing wolves/golems on your way back to lane.
Well I definitely never ever run the Attack Speed on her and always run the CDR mastery thingy. I ran exactly what you linked, except the ignite point went into completing Havoc 3/3 x.x

Also, I run 9 flat CDR Glyphs totaling 7.5%, if against an AD champ in top (Otherwise MR if AP). That plus the 4% from masteries is the 11.5% you speak of so I guess I'm doing it right... almost .-.

But I guess the Ignite first, and gain 5 AD, could make more of a difference.. I usually only try something like that for massive lane pressure and then zoning, rather than a kill or anything, so I guess I can improve and/or adapt my playstyle probably

Last edited by Magicturbo; 07-22-2013 at 08:21 PM..
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