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Old 07-6-2013, 11:19 AM   #7880
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by TwistedPhoenix View Post
I've started getting into Dominion since it's a lot more evident just how important objectives are. Generally, people think that kills = wins, when it's turrets/inhibs = wins. Here, you have to be in control to win.

Who are the main champs that really shine here? I know that Kassadin is a big favorite, and Singed is pretty good, but generally people try picking those with speed boosts, especially ones that are AoE. Also, is Garrison worth taking?
Used to play almost exclusively dominion. Objectives are very important. I'm like, 70% wins on dominion on one of my accounts with over 100 games playing exclusively bottom, for example, and I rarely go + KDA bottom. You can win games very easily going bottom simply by taking the bottom turret. Taking bottom = having to pull people from top = losing top = huge advantage.

Revive is 100% necessary bottom. If you don't take it, you fail. I can't count the # of times I've won bottom when I was losing simply because I had revive. I would however say that it's very much optional top. It's good, but not necessary like it is bottom.

At least one person should take Garrison for top. Bottom can take revive+garrison if they don't need other skills (e.g. Nunu).

OP champs depend very much on lane (E.g. the best tops and bottoms are very different).

Tops: #1 was definitely Khazix, but not sure after his nerfs. Probably Kassadin now. Kassadin mostly because of his mobility and ability to gank bottom and get back to top very quickly. Straight up Khazix was much better.

Followed very closely by Jayce, Wukong (FUCK THIS GUY, hidden OP. Busted as hell on this map), Lulu, Elise, Teemo, Zyra I would say are the strongest picks tops. There are some others, but those are priority picks basically.

I wouldn't consider Singed top tier, personally. Mediocre bottom, mediocre top. He's fast but who cares, he doesn't provide Siege and he doesn't provide a good defense either. He's mostly annoying, but that only counts when you have idiots that want to chase for kills at low level play.

If you want to be annoying but 100x more effective, pick Zilean. You are going to build basically mobility boots -> zepher/sheurylias, max his speed boost first. Now do NOTHING but backdoor points the entire game. Watch you rack in the wins and instill hilarious amounts of rage into the chat (one of the only ways to counterplay this is mobility boots janna, basically. It's extremely effective).

Top bottoms: Jayce, basically.

Nunu is also extremely strong. Played exclusively Nunu bot for a very long time, he wins or stalemates pretty much every lane other than a few. Sadly the change to his Q hurts his very early game a TON now, you have to be much more passive. Jayce, Jax, WW, Nasus all stalemate, Sivir, Xin and Cass are a straight up loss if they're good. Rest come down to skill and Nunu can win.

I would also add Urgot, because he has very few counters as well.

Other great bottoms, but with slightly more counter picks: Elise, Lulu, Malzahar, Zyra, Cass, Kog, Yorick, Jax, Teemo.

Completely overrated tier: HEIMERDINGER. He sucks shit bottom and is countered so easily. Heimer literally can't do anything to Nunu and gets shoved out and loses tower to so many bottoms. Yet for whatever reason people think he's broken in the bronzor league.

Once you get a good win rate going though I pretty much never see him anymore.

Last edited by Reach; 07-6-2013 at 11:31 AM..
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