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Old 07-4-2013, 01:29 PM   #7874
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
That post was looking good until


Okay Tryndamere is NOT a good champ on Dominion. His earlygame is the same as Summoner's Rift, low damage and low utility. And his mid and endgame don't exist because Dominion games don't even last that long. You can't "turtle a game for 20 minutes until Tryndamere can duel" like you can on SR because the game is literally over by then.

Seriously Tryndamere is deadweight with a gap closer on a kinda long cooldown that he could maybe use to backdoor except there's at least 40 champs that can do the same thing and not also be useless in every other regard.

There was actually a post on dominatedominion recently on the topic so I'm not just saying this randomly off personal experience with bad Tryndameres in game or anything, here's the article.
Meh. I'm biased towards him because I started playing him back in s1 and have alot of experience, so I can usually make him function. I suppose he's out of place unless you snowball hard.

So don't take Tryn unless you're super experienced with him or looking for an intense challenge I suppose.
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