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Old 07-4-2013, 10:29 AM   #7871
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by TwistedPhoenix View Post
I've started getting into Dominion since it's a lot more evident just how important objectives are. Generally, people think that kills = wins, when it's turrets/inhibs = wins. Here, you have to be in control to win.

Who are the main champs that really shine here? I know that Kassadin is a big favorite, and Singed is pretty good, but generally people try picking those with speed boosts, especially ones that are AoE. Also, is Garrison worth taking?
Garrison is a great way to hold top if you're playing a more defensive team comp. It's less useful for assaulting a base, and bot lane if you get to the point you have to use it your tower is probably gone anyway.

As far as champions are concerned, high mobility and high dueling ability is a must. Consider taking champions who have inhibitive early games, because really early game is a nonfactor in dom. Strong mid and late games are what wins. Even if you're down 400 points, if you have a strong lategame you can make the comeback happen. I've lost a match when the opponents were down to 3 and we were at 200.

Champs to consider that aren't on hi19's list:
Heimerdinger (insane bot lane control)
Anivia (also great for bot lane control)
Twitch (backdooring is a great way to distract from objectives if you can't duel)
Gangplank (global ult, high mobility, strong duels)
Karthus (iffy choice, but that ult is always strong, and he has decent bot control)
Kayle (Strong bot choice, great duels and can push a lane hard)
Malzahar (same as Kayle)
Mordekaiser (same as Kayle)
Nocturne (presence and dueling)
Rammus (possibly the fastest way to cross the map, a friend of mine hit 1600 ms with him and backdoored for the win, strong dueling as well)
Twisted Fate (Another iffy choice, but his global presence is very helpful, and he has decent bot control)
Warwick (only for bot lane until late game, he's basically a brick wall)
Yorick (even bigger brick wall)
Zac (dat leap, strong multi-opponent fighting)

Another important final note, do NOT ignore creeps. Everyone always whines when you push a wave, but a creep wave is insanely helpful when taking a tower down. They chunk it hard and fast, and it's invaluable for quickly securing a point.
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