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Old 06-30-2013, 12:15 AM   #15
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 16
Default Re: Cyber Bullying in 10 years

Originally Posted by PaperclipGames View Post
It depends on the situation. When someone is continuously pushed into doing terrible things such as commiting suicide, then the situation becomes very serious, and the "troll" in question is in fact performing a crime.
The only person responsible for the suicide should be the person who decided to kill themselves. If anything, our culture is responsible for suicide, I'm not sure how you would bring charges against our entire culture in a court of law. Our laws are the very things that perpetuate conditions where people are rendered incapable of challenging the existing system through a legal process. A person should not be held accountable for another person's decision to commit suicide, especially in cases where the supposed "suspects" are not capable of physically stopping the person from killing themselves. This just sounds like the government wants to increase the scope of their behavior policing policies.

Last edited by DontBanMeYet; 06-30-2013 at 12:17 AM..
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