Thread: ADLP AmA
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Old 06-29-2013, 08:13 PM   #27
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Default Re: ADLP AmA

Originally Posted by Zapmeister View Post
You're playing poker with a tiger, a zebra, and an octopus. You're holding Qd 9d and the flop is 4d Js Qs. The tiger doesn't seem to have noticed your presence and looks like it's trying to get the zebra and octopus out of its territory, but with limited success. It boldly makes a bet of 3.5x the minimum. The zebra firmly stands its ground and grins at the tiger with a cheeky, confident smile, and calls. The octopus folds 6 of its arms around its head and also its cards. Do you fold, call, raise, or run screaming?
i'd raise are you kidding me i got 2Q before the turn

What does your username stand for?
alex de la paz

You're on a plane, and then you hear over the intercom something like "Keep calm, there's nothing to worry about. By the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?" Everyone on board disintegrates into a collective panic including you. It was all a dream - you wake up... and you're on a plane that looks identical to the one in your dream. What is your reaction?
id probably figure im still dreaming, i tend to have those kinds of dreams and i get killed every once in awhile even though they arent nightmares lol

What score can you get first go on this quiz?[/quote]

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