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Old 06-17-2013, 12:43 PM   #1540
Retired StaffFFR Veteran
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Default Re: The Fitness Thread

Haha good to see you around, mnnicol. Those pics are amazing. :O

Unfortunately I've totally fallen off the wagon and I don't work out now or count calories, etc. Weight's still between 220-230, 30%+ bf. Womp womp womp.

I got frustrated because I basically had no idea wtf I was doing in the gym. It doesn't matter what guides I read: I had/have no confidence or certainty in anything I select, and so eventually I give up.

Tried getting a gym membership but quit after a couple months because I couldn't get past the feelings of self-consciousness (that and too many staff members there tried to sell me stuff all the time whenever I'd ask a question, and it got annoying). Squats were also the death of me. Hours of practice wasted: No matter what I tried I absolutely could not get the form right. Even with the bar alone (no extra weight) I couldn't pump out 8 reps, and yet it'd cripple my quads with absurd DOMS for four days straight.

I'd like to get back into it but my in-house gym is limited (shoulder incline bench, bicep curl, tricep pushdown, low row, lat pulldown, leg extension, leg curl, dumbbells), and I have absolutely no clue what a good workout routine would be for me. Any recs?
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