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Old 05-28-2013, 04:09 AM   #8
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews


Aegis: Umm...I dunno if anyone had this issue but some parts were WAAAYYYY offsync. I had to go in and fix it for 3.95 Lowered a few stops and stuff and now it's good. will edit this post when I play it

EDIT: Holy shit those streams were fun as fuck, You balanced out hand stream and jumpstream very well, the 32nds were fucking AWESOME too. The offsync of the file was probably something you couldn't have known so I won't hold that against you 8/10

Apocynthion Drive: This file raped my fingers...those 24th bursts ate me alive lmfao. Quite a song though, the steps flowed beautifully even though they raped me! good job dude! 8/10
asdfmovie6 song- I. LOVE. the way you did this file. I couldn't see any issues except...well..nothing. Nice file Alex. this is definitely on my replay list 10/10

Autoprocess- JACKS but this file was good, I can't speak for the song itself but you did it a fair amount of justice, some patterns flow a little awkwardly for me though 6/10

Bambous- Why does this song remind me of Ewoks trying to have sex? I LOOOVED the tapdancing shoes section, that was especially VERY well done. and the rest of the file flowed beautifully! you get -1 for the sexual ewoks xD 9/10

Battle! Team Plasma- This file was a little awkward for me, I could see the directions in which you wanted to go with it but then it's like you decided to go with something else, The patterns are great but somewhat scattered though. But I'll give you a bonus for a welcome back to SM 7/10

Bit Howl- Woah this file was intense, It's like Hajnal on ROIDS lmfao. good work man! 8/10

Blue Rose: This was a beast of a file to play, The drum solo was stepped awesomely...everything else kinda reminded me of Yesssss' version (which is a good thing) 9.5/10

BSpower explosion-Pretty fun file, I like the barn animals there were a ALOT of weird patterns for me though. especially those 16th jumps everywhere near the end. 7.5/10

Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor- The fucking title gives you insta +1 Holy shit this file rocks! I love all the pretty colourful parts, the minijack chorus is well done too! 10/10

Chaotic WHITE- Awesome file! very well layered and has a large amount of replay value! 8/10

Child Protective Services Theme Song- This is the song that Pewdiepie used for his intro . It's very well stepped, very fun and simplistic. not much else to say 9/10

Chronos- Very tricky to MA for me, but it's an awesome and interesting file. Nice job Kommi 9/10

CirnoRHTL- First of all...the GFX scare me. this file started out retardedly hard but then got more awesome as the file went on. I'm starting to like your files Valor! 8/10

Clash- This file is awesome! I love shuffle files, the steps transitioned very neatly, there was no overall awkwardness for me. Nice job Zagh 10/10

Contact- This file was a doozy! I personally felt there were a LOT of bursts that distracted the overall flow of the file which was very neat, but the bursts killed it for me sorry man. 5/10

Crack in the Hourglass Heavy- This song is awesome, I love how well you appropriately decided not to stick freezes in the final portion where you followed the piano, the guitar solo was a little crazy for me though. 8/10

Crack in the Hourglass Oni- Oh. THERE'S THE FREEZES LOL. Very well done Glove 8/10

Demonish Devilish Appearance- I love the song! the steps are great too! Oni was a bit outta my league for playing though but I still managed to get through it 8.5/10

Die Winnipeg Die Die Die Fuckers Die- Umm....What the hell was that dude Don't get me wrong. I wanted to enjoy the file but to me it seemed a bit overwhelming. Also the GFX needed more mosquitoes LOL. 6.5/10

Dishevel- This song made my soul hurt! But the steps were fuckin' with the song good job brah! 7.5/10

Do It This Way- EARTHWORM JIM *ahem* The song was...certainly unique. I loved the Saxophone, Trombone and Trumpet section, and those right hand trills were awesome too! I'll be playing this one again for shizzle 8.5/10

Earthquake: Minijacks? I honestly couldn't tell where you were going with those. But I really enjoyed the rest of the file 7/10

Eater Merry- I personally think some of this file should have been 180bpm. it seemed all cluttered for me to read what you were trying to make with the sounds, Some of the file was great but it just seems very cluttered. 6.5/10

Echo of Forever- Some patterns were a bit wonky for me to see, you have the sounds and everything stepped perfectly it's just a matter of placement. Still a very good file all around 7.5/10

Ehhen Doyadosu? Tengujiman- This file made my brain hurt the first time...but then I played it again and I realized where you were headed with this file. It was AWESOME! The jumpstream was a bit too hard for me but it I love it! 8/10

Empty Skydiving- Well this file certainly WASN'T EMPTY (sorry bad joke) OW....MY ARMS! To everyone that says this file sucks. I would disagree, It takes a lot of effort to make a song like this to be fun and not repetitive and boring. As painful as it was for me to play, kudos to you my man. I'll be playing this a lot, it gives newer players who want to improve on jumpstream a chance to develop their skills. The only issue I had was that part with thee 24'ths though, I didn't really understand that at all. 8.5/10

Far East Nightbird- Wow, this a great file! I love how well balanced it is, it's very easy to follow and tricky to FC. I couldn't ask for anything more out of this. 9.5/10

Fashion Queen- Holy fahk. A file by Torrent that ISN'T Venetian Snares LOL. K but in all seriousness this file is wicked for the song. Every section stands out on their own and no part seems to be dragging down the other. Sick file 9/10

Fatal Tragedy- I'll admit that I'm a little surprised. I don't think many can outdo IamMe's version of this. Some parts were ehh.. there was a part that should've been a trill in the keyboard solo but you made a roll. The end part was wicked sick though, overall this file is awesome to play and score on for me 7/10

fffff- This file is fucking FUN. AS. HELL. I love how well the jumps flow to the ignorantly LOUD piano portions, the trills were done beautifully, and I loved the ending as well. Awesome work! 10/10

Five Regrets- WHY DOES THIS SONG END I was having SO much fun playing it! This file is easily one of the best I've played in this pack so far...I can't think of anything else to say 10/10

Ge4ce vFUR v2- WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT D: This is ridiculously hard! Some parts were fun until the 48TH AND 32ND RAPE D: please do not do that to my poor fingers again 6/10

GO! GO! MANIAC- I thought this file was pretty fun because shuffle. But it felt like it was too repetitive in some areas, Other than that awesome job on a cool tune 7/10

Gravestoned- Meh. I personally think I overdid the bursts a LOT D: The patterns were good in some parts, retarded in others. I'm speaking for the Oni chart. Heavy is way better imo 6/10

Guile of the Rime King- AWWWWW THAT CD TITLE IS SOOOO ADORABLE!!! *ahem* Really nice song choice, I like how you used the half-tempo in the correct parts if the song, buuuut you should've made it double time for the last part of the song except for the last synthy section. 8.5/10

Haereticus- What the hell did I just play?! I'll give you an even 5 for getting a file in but...I just... dunno

Howling- an interesting song. The steps are very accurate in most parts, bravo 7.5/10

I like Trains- ROFL those graphics! I really REEALLLY liked those 24th bursts and the part where it goes "I like trains" 9/10

I'll Forget You, You'll Never Forget Me- I certainly won't forget this file! It's fun, creative and it's different than most songs that I've heard in this pack! great job guiez, 9.5/10

I'M ON CRACK- what an odd song o.O" umm... I like the way everything was put together buuuut some parts were a little awkward for me to time and hit. nice effort though 7/10

In The Name Of God- I....Fucking...Love this! It's fun, it's colourful and you really stamped out the solos. Nice work on this one bro! 10/10

Innocent Walls- JACKS But I loved everything else xD 7/10

Insect Digestion Melancholy- FINALLY! A GOOD VERSION OF THIS SONG! I applaud you for stepping this, I HATED moogy's xD. I love all the pretty colours and stuff too, very well stepped 10/10

Jack-the-Ripper- This song was cool, had really neat steps to go with it as well 7/10

Jordan- Holy fucking colourful solo batman! You did a good job stepping this accurately man! it's very well done except for the part near the end I think it was a little weird for me. 7/10

kona-ita-mina-tangs be Altered Scale- Umm...I love the file but I'm curious as to why you didn't make it Red yellow and blue notes? It's an awesome interesting file and I enjoyed the minijacks portion 8/10

Last Testament of Twelfth Mother- VERY repetitive, I didn't like the direction it went sometimes, some sections felt a little TOO overdone while some felt too simplistic and boring. Good effort though, 4/10

Laveran no Shokutaku- I liked it a lot. It's neat, it's unique for sure and everything flows nicely! 8/10

Lawn Wake II- Ow that hurt. A lot. It was very fun! but some parts felt a little recycled and re-used dude. I couldn't get a good variety on the steps either. But it was still cool to play a new lawnwake II 6.5/10

Light House- Mikey likey this one! It has a variety of sections and from what I could tell no patterns were ever used twice throughout the file! I loved the 12'th sections. 10/10

Lockene- Umm...that was relatively short xD THE END RAPED ME. but it's fun to play 8/10

Lost Not Forgotten- This is a fucking masterpiece. You nailed EVERYTHING! holy shit. Good job! 10/10

MarioStep- JACKS D: but this file was fun as fuck! Holy crap. I could whore this for days 9/10

Mirage Garden- FUN AS FUCK ERRMAHGERRD ! I love the ending drum part too 10/10

Mr. Lonely- OSSA! YOU'RE BACK! AND YOU STEPPED A FUCKIN' GUITAR SOLO. This file is sweet shit. I love how well the Ossa's- I mean freezes are placed! 9/10

My So-Called Life- This was awesome! I really liked how you didn't throw everything everywhere. it looked like everything was good. Just try to avoid using the same patterns over and over. 7.5/10

Narcolepsy- THE ADORABLE PONY STRIKES AGAIN ^_^ and gets another good mark in my books. This file is SEXY as fuck<3 I love all the parts...except for the 24th jumpjacks those were kinda random to me. 8/10

New Decade IIDX Edition- I didn't really like where this was going at all to be honest. Some parts were done nicely but some parts were just an utter mess to me. It's a decent file, but it seems too cluttered and overlayered 6/10

New Lights- That Beginning...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT D: but other than that the rest of the file was pretty well done. I liked the random BPM changes dude 7/10

Nth Degree- This file is flawless. I'm ITCHING to play it again! it just blew me away. 10/10

Oblivion- FUN AS HELL. I love the way you stepped everything and layered it so it was one part into the other, nothing was too overwhelming or understepped. just perfect. 10/10

OrBiTal- Awesome file, I loved all the tricks and stuff but some parts and patterns felt overused, a little more variety would've helped this file be more enjoyable for me 7.5/10

Paradise Lost- Umm...Some of the parts were REAAALLLY cool...but some felt reallly overstepped and ruined the overall flow of the song. I'll play it again for sure though. 7/10

Parousia- Some parts were VERY well done...others felt too overdone. I could see where you were trying to go with the flow in most parts though, just try to tone down the intensity for when it isn't needed sometimes. 7/10

Plasmatextor- I loved the overall flow of the file, the 24th jacks fit in beautifully, I dunno what you're all whining about xD. Great job Stargroup. 9/10

Polssia- I loved the beginning of this file....then it turned into a massive clusterfuck of destruction...then it got awesome at the end.. How did you pull that one off? O.o 6.5/10

Pop A Parade- I think this file needs a look at.. Some parts were way off sync for me...there were steps that needed to be placed where others were... I dunno. Song's funky as hell though 6/10

Poppin' Shower- Omg that voice. is stuck in my head! Reaally good file! nothing too bad to speak of that I noticed. except for that random part with the 48ths. 7.5/10

Red Nikita- If this is your first file....That's outstanding! Holy shit this is one of the best files in this pack, hands down. Everything fits perfectly, you spread everything out beautifully. Good job! 10/10

Reefer Man

Scintill's Chart- This file is EPIC! I can tell you spent a LOT of time syncing this beast. I loved the whole damn thing!

GLoVE's Chart- This file is GREAT! It's completely different from Scintill's which is great, you managed to keep the overall flow of the song


Requiem For A Team- Urggh.. the graphics grossed me out big time D:. But the file is wicked fun, probably the best DnB file in this pack so far! good job dude! 9/10

Resurrected Replayer- Awesome file Kommi, I wasn't sure why the 16'th jumps where everywhere though but I played it again and noticed it. I'd play this all the time 10/10

Rip Roar Power- MY..HANDS this song nearly blew out my eardrums not to mention the file is balls a fun...masochistic way T_T 7/10

Salieri Strikes Back- Oh god...I have the play this twice T_T YOU CRUEL BASTARDS

Baq12's Chart- The half tempo part seemed VERY off for some reason may be just me. But holy fuck that hurt my arms...I can't believe I have to do Mi40's next T_T 8/10

Mi40's Chart-Ow....If I get carpel tunnel it's YOUR fault. Urgh...that 240 16'th jumpstream... You're sadistic T_T 7/10

OVERALL: You two are fucking evil bastards who have made me suffer for 12 minutes just to fairly review this song 7.5/10

Sane To More- WHY DIDN'T YOU STEP THE WHOLE SONG But this is another flawless file by you. 10/10

Seven- My soul hurts playing Oni. But still... another flawless file 10/10

Sin- FUCKING BIGASS CD TITLE/10 in all seriousness this is one of the best versions of Sin I've ever played. 9/10

Snow Storm- I love how you used the 48ths to make the piano blend into the background so it looked like you couldn't see anything! that was awesome. The rest of the file is awesome too . Save for a few confusing parts 9/10

Space is Key Theme Song- that...was a massive dump. I BARELY passed lmao. But seriously...I did not like the chart at all to be honest. I can tell a small amount of effort went into it but it's just scatterbrained all over 3/10

Speed Dial- That fuckin' Piano solo was orgasmic! and the Drum solo was sick too! Holy shit I love the way you stepped that part. Other than that nothing really jumped at me 8/10

Spin the Disc- yay a file of yours that didn't rape me. I enjoyed it a lot. it could've used bpm tricks though D: but still well done 7/10

Sports!- That drum solo was the key to this file's success! it was very well done and I can see myself whoring this file for a AAA 9/10

St. Alphonzo's Pancake Breakfast and Father Oblivion- The song title itself and the song are insta-win. The file does it justice, it's awesome. 10/10

Swing Set- This file. Is GOLDEN. I love the tap dancing part the most! 10/10

Synaptic Plasticity- ADORABLE PONY RETURNS with another gem! there are a few annoying parts but I really like your files 8/10

The Bridgeport Run- This file is REALLY fingers are just so braindead to get a good score, you layered everything very well and the freezes were used in a fun manner. the only thing I didn't like was the annoying jumpstream burst part of doom 7.5/10

The Creator- Okay I'm confused....The song seems like a straightforward constant BPM. Why cut it in half and speed it up? o.O other than that it's a fun different song 8/10

Time Out- Awesome file, sickass song too! I love how well you stepped this and how accurate you made it 10/10

Toki- Easily one of the best files you've ever made, that 12'th part to finish the song is amazing 9/10

Transparent World- This is like... Cry of the Brave...Japanase Edition...The solo wasn't really well thought out... Umm...The only good parts were the chorus and the ending imo 6/10

Tranzport- Valor...Umm.. This file is a REAALLLY good re-step for the song, I LOOOVED the quad freeze section. But ugh. that end reminded me of Quadrasphinx D:. 7/10

Tzuicha-cha- You creatively used the sounds that were made available to this song, thus making it challenging and enjoyable at the same time. It's awesome. but some patterns felt really awkward 8.5/10

Ultraviolent Jungalist- This file is AWESOME! It's like Epedermis on steroids. I love how you dedicated certain jumps/hands/freezes to certain sounds on the chart. I'll be whoring this file for a LOOONG time. 10/10

Unconnected- THANK THE LORD THIS ISN'T A LONG SONG otherwise I would have murdered you. This is a gem in it's own way. It's accurately stepped and provides that stamina draining challenge that people want when they feel they need to work on speed and stamina. Some patterns and sections felt weird to me though, but it was pretty fun 7.5/10

Uplift- The freeze section and the minijacks were AWESOME at the beginning but near the end it was just a clusterfuck of freezes and jumpstreams! I would've enjoyed this A LOT more if you had tried to utilize the sounds in the song instead of cramming them into one near the end 7/10

V^3 (Hello World)- Modernized Data Drain. I LIKE IT It's fun and challenging, makes you wanna have a seizure somtimes but STILL well done 8/10

Waltz No.17 in G Minor "Waltz of the big dogs"- Okay so I'm not fast enough to remotely pass this. But this is reviews. not bragging rights. You took the time to sync and properly step a rather difficult piano song that most would have said "Fuck it" halfway through. Each part seems to be carefully done and well stepped to provide a challenge but remain fun at the same time. Too bad I'm not fast enough to pass it 9/10

We Are Hi-Speed [Nurrbody In This Bitch Get Chipsy Remix]- What a lengthy title -_-" I think you focused a little too much on making this song hard than making it enjoyable, the breaks of the intense DnB sections were kinda zoomed through as if you just wanted to get to the next intense portion of the song. You had a lot of potential with this song to make it fun and challenging and I hope you make a new version 6/10

Why Am I Here- ADORABLE PONY JOINS THE CIRCUS aannnnd falls to his death on the tightrope. Unfortunately you made this way harder than it should be, especially the dual solo portion which shouldn't have been jumps imo. other parts were very confusing such as the starting portion...what are the jumps going to? you should have let the snare command the jumps and let the synth/guitar take care of the rest. The end was awesome I can't lie it was beautifully done. 6/10

Wooly Mammoth Stomp- This file is awesome, as much as I HAAATE jacks. you used them in a timely and rational manner which made the file flow properly. The freezes and syncing were very well done as well. I enjoyed this one a lot 9/10

Zen-now THAT'S how you do a file bro. the 24'th drum parts and 32nd gallops were awesome, I love how you used the jacks to emphasize on the guitar going higher and lower notes. Fuckin' sick job on this one 10/10

(I wanna give you devotion- It was okay. the 24'th part was sick and how you layered it in was cool too. unfortunately nothing else really stood out for me 7/10

===Karma-Fied===- ...I'm speechless 10/10

Overall I'd give this pack a SOLID 8.75/10 for the massive amount of entertaining and enjoyable files! Thanks to all of you who contributed to this pack and made it a HUUUUGE success!
Originally Posted by Antori View Post
i can't vote shadow god because his profile picture gives me motivation to check on the thread regularly
Originally Posted by Svaz View Post
more like Shad-hoe God am I right haha
Originally Posted by mellon_collie View Post
TIL women have breasts because of horniness
Originally Posted by bugkid666 View Post
sunfan I fucked up
Originally Posted by MixMasterLar View Post
Xel claiming that I am incapable of making mistakes and using that logic to paint me as scum does things to my body that I thought only Lewdy's stash could do

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 View Post
your hentai collection is commendable. i am both in awe and afraid of you
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