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Old 05-28-2013, 03:04 AM   #7
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Default Re: ODIPack3 Simfile Reviews

updated with full pack review!
I didn't give ratings because they usually take away from what I want to say but everything bolded is probably a 9/10 or above

captain murasa ass anchor - original was fun as fuck and so is this. what a great scoring file
chaotic white - my file
die winnipeg - way too hard for me to enjoy, but very very well-made
far east nightbird - one of the best files I've made imo
fashion queen - i like the rhythms a lot, but maybe the file's just a little too sparse. there's an imbalance between the long freezy bits and the notes around them that's a bit awkward. should be a blast for intermediate players, though!
fffff - pretty nifty. lots of very well thought-out details. a little polishing would have made this splendid
five regrets - you continue to be one of my favorite stepauthors bmah. super snazzy file. song itself is a little sparse and that makes for a tough job but I think your approach works well
guile of the rime king - i can tell a lot of love went into this file. should be a staple in the brag boards. your handling of freezes could have been a touch more graceful (particularly in the parts where there's nothing but freezes going to the melody), but your mine usage was absolutely profound
i'm on crack - so you are. i got a lot of kicks from this file
innocent walls - barely scooted by with an AA on sightread. as somebody who's an absolute whore for jacks, I fucking loved this.
insect digestion melancholy - hmmm. i really should dislike this file on principle, but the song is so insane that it just kind of works. that said, there's definitely some waffling going on in the very beginning with the freezes going to alternating instruments
light house - impeccably constructed and sosososomuchfun
mariostep - surprisingly clean polyrhythms, good job with that section. very fun file overall, though there are some very blatant PR issues with the jacks in some sections and the file drags on just a touch. great overall, very very impressive.
poppin' shower - comparisons to smoooooooooch will be impossible to avoid. this throws in plenty of fun tricks but sacrifices polish/readability (particularly when it comes to the freezes at the end). whether that is good or bad will depend on the player, i suspect.
red nikita - what a wonderful little file. simple but incredibly effective, reminds me of how much i loved MrBob's oratio back in the day (check out Xoon 3, kids!) solid all-around
reefer man - i love the variation on GLoVE's cdtitle. the fact that people are actually making stepfiles to songs like these fills me with joy, but the file is excellent too, if a bit overcrowded in Oni/simplified in Heavy.
resurrected replayer - sturdy as always from a Kommisar file, but a few parts just aren't as streamlined as they should be. that said, the quad followed by MINES literally shook me out of my seat. well-done with that.
sane to more - i literally fistpumped when i finished this file. i am so glad you are back.
snow storm - felt a little empty in the beginning and the streams were a little too...streamy? i dunno, this whole file just felt a little wonky to me. the teal stream thing was the best thing anybody has ever done with teal notes
speed dial - high energy file as always from IcyWorld. i just wish it had some more swing to it, because the song has so many pretty flourishes that deserve notice. on a side note, the graphics for these are just fantastic. i love the pastel tones.
spin the disc - supa dupa fun but maybe a little overfreezy?
swing set - holy fock Yesssss
toki - my file
tranzport - again with the freeze quad fuckery! you are just the best at that, you know? this is like the platonic ideal of a hardcore file
i wanna give u devotion - in the words of Randy, not feeling it, dawg. reserved when it should be cRaZy, unfocused when it needs to be smooooth.

don't say anything - sliiiiick. i woulda cleaned up those freezes a little, though
earthquake - when I saw the mines at the end I literally clapped. this is really cool, feels like something Yesssss would have done but has your identity stamped all over it.
echo of forever - quite possibly the best file you've ever made, Marco.
fallen world - how dare a Dragonforce file be this good. had quite a few parts I enjoyed
mr. lonely - like a cross between a Red Fraction-era file and Fantazindy. that's a really really good thing. easily one of my favorite Ossa files, I'm so glad you made a file for this.
oblivion - the handful of complaints I have (choppy flow, OVERLY LONG FREEZES) are outweighted by my happiness that there is finally a singles chart for this song
pop a parade - simple and sweet. love the way the song just builds and builds
aegis - despite disagreeing with a fair number of stepping choices, I still ended up really enjoying this
asdfmoviesong - i'm really impressed by how well this manages to flow despite being freezetastic. simple but energetic and bombastic
autoprocess - suitably brutal and oddly elegant. even graceful. i didn't know you had this in you, man.
bambous - the freezes here are super-dense but they bring the file a rich texture i'm very fond of. a few patterns throw off the balance between right and left but all in all this is a sexy piece of work
clash - stunned me off of my feet. zagh hasn't changed his style at all, and yet this feels effortlessly modern even as it hearkens back to the days of ODI and SMG. a real showstopper, this file.
eater merry - the softer/easier parts are flawless, nothing to touch. i do love the half-bpm and how it almost slows down the time spent playing this, but the faster parts should have been doubled in my view--half bpm is great for bringing out a richer, fuller effect in sparse sections, but get too dense and it can become overwhelming. guitar layering at the veeery end could have been a touch more integrated. fantastic overall though.
eos - reminded me of Niko's Captain Murasa file in some parts. very cute file, has some great rhythms. i'm not a fan of double freezes (especially not going to snare hits) but they're not too glaring here. ending climax should have been a bit more subtle, it just goes from too easy to WHOA huge jumpdumpstream in literally the space of one repetition
laste testament of ur 12th mom - pretty neat, has its moments. much like Battle of Saruin this is a file i will admire more than enjoy
orbital - B on sightread rofl. incredible, incredible file, though. when the dubstep came in i creamed myself
paradise lost - my biggest miff with this is the patterns, which i really do not follow. also, 24ths/32nds often look awkward when mixed...i wasn't sure if it was technically accurate or not, but with better organization/patterns that wouldn't have been too big of an issue. decent as a scoring file, though.
plasmatextor - i know everybody hates the 24th jacks but i actually loved the challenge. this file is intense but somehow it all flows beautifully. really nice.
transparent world - played Oni. somewhat simple approach, but it's executed cleanly and for the most part effectively. the only thing i'd really tweak are the freezes, which are just a bit too pervasive, particularly in one section near the end.

battle! team plasma - SO HARD. i quit out neat the halfway mark because i already played so much stepmaniers and my arms were giving out. i'm sure scoreboard fanatics will enjoy it...
chronos - idk man this was pretty upbeat and i liked that, but some parts were a bit rough. maybe cutting down the freezes and rearranging a few patterns was in order.
contact - pretty nice! the rolls are a bit uncomfortable, but at that speed i can forgive a little awkwardness.
crack in the hourglass - played Oni. marvelous file, plays seamlessly even though it's hard as balls. layering choices are just as excellent.
demonish animal appearance - played Oni. if it had ended just a bit earlier it would have been perfect. a good SSH file is never unwelcome, though, and honestly just the fact that we have a new dondon file is exciting
enhen dousen whatever - HOLY SHIT this was fun to play. maybe a little heavy on the minifreezes, but that's more a style quirk than anything
go go maniac - holy fuck sexy song have my kids. simple file, very easy to follow with nice patterns. i do wish that more of the percussion had been stepped and that some of the bursts had been toned down some. a little overlong but the variety and song make up for it
howling - 11/10 i fucking love you bmah. this is basically tabibito rerun deluxe mix.
i like trains - this is a carlos file through and through. simple but oh-so-clean and fun.
i'll forget you - standard: really straightforward for a GLoVE file but so pleasant that it doesn't even matter. jacks felt too intense at first but i eased into them (though some of them are still fairly hard for the song)
heavy: this is actually closer to how i would have stepped it, lol. most of my comments for standard apply here. both charts are fun and fit the song well, gj!
in the name of god - basicaly half of this file is epic guitar solos and i love it. i could follow this up with some throwaway remark about freeze usage or whatever, but i won't because i really like this file and for once i just want to offer unqualified praise
kona-yta altered scale - color scheme is very very cute. i like how soft this file feels to hit, even the longer jacks are smooth as silk. played heavy, haven't played edit yet
lawn wake ii - for the most part quite fluid. not a fan of Baq's freeze usage honestly but there were parts in this where his dense approach worked really really well with the song, so props.
laveran no shokutaku - one of my fave files. feels wonderful to hit throughout. pattern usage could have been more varied, I suppose.
lost not forgotten - really incredible file, man. only complaint i can muster is some random uncomfortable freezes in the guitar solos. the rest is incredibly fun...well thought-out patterns and tons of challenge.
my so-called life - you have some of the most crisp patterns i've ever seen. awesome file.
narcolepsy - stunning. absolutely stunning. perfect song and perfect patterns. even the few things i would usually nitpick somehow add to the file's atmosphere (those notes right after freezes kept me right on my toes, which i usually hate, but in this file they were oddly hypnotic)
new decade - i enjoyed the varied 16th rhythms in this song far more than i did the bursty sections (which i presume would be the scoring factors in this file). i dunno, song doesn't do a lot for me but i can't say i had a bad time playing this
new lights - played Heavy. song itself has a lot of unbalanced elements, so i can't blame you for the file feeling weird in some sections. at the very least it's pretty unique and very well-made (great patterns and color theory!) just all felt a bit cramped. maybe Standard will be better in that regard.
nth degree - didn't play this when it first came out, so this was a sightread. splendid, splendid, splendid. made me tear a little, even.
parousia - reminds me quite a bit of Dolize. not quite an elegant file (which i was kind of disappointed about), but it's as richly layered as it is busy. solid.
polssia - got way too hard for me at the end, so i quit out. what i played was nice, though. wasn't structured as well as it could have been, but had plenty of variety and the patterns were good
seven - played Heavy. super intense file mang! the 24th stream is ballzzzzz
sin - it's nice. i appreciate that it's a bit more open than other sin files, gives the patterns a lot of space to breathe.
space is key - quit out, didn't seem like my cup of tea
sports - very fun! the drum solo is aces, maybe i would have used jumps with a bit more discretion but your approach is perfectly fine too
the creator - the rhythms are great and the file plays smoothly...i am just completely confounded at your pattern choice. not that it's too much of an issue with playability, they just seem really arbitrary to be honest.
tzuicha-cha - there's this beautiful simplicity to this file that really speaks to me, but the freezes and the bursts break the illusion a bit. this is actually a case where it may have been helpful to strip back a little. still a super energetic file and one i'll be revisiting.
uplift - didn't like this one much. patterns were completely arbitrary and awkward in spots, song was nothing special. quit out, sorry.
v3 - really fast file, almost too fast for me to enjoy. can't deny that it's well-made, though
wooly mammoth stomp - WOULD HAVE AAA'd this if I didn't peel my eyes from the computer for one second oh well. siiiick file, minimalist approach that feels surprisingly detailed and true-to-life. understated but powerful.

apocynthion drive - file crashed on me for w/e reason lol. solid from what I played, though! I thought it'd be too hard for me but the patterns are quality
bit howl - neat! not usually a fan of dev/null stuff, but this has a lot of variety. the quieter parts are overdone, though...there needs to be a reprieve from all of the intensity in this
blue rose - 9.9999/10. a few minor gripes with polyrhythms/overintense bursts, but otherwise masterful
bspower explosion - played Heavy because shit my hands are tired. simple chart but plenty to enjoy. i really like the main chorus. i do wish the polyrhythms were a bit cleaner (for that matter, a lot of the patterns)
child protective services theme - played Heavy. it's a little repetitive (and has way too many freezes), but it's straightforward and provides a nice MA challenge. great patterns.
cirnoRTHL - a little too high-octane for me but I can't deny it's well-made
clash - just giving this file another shoutout because fuck it's good
cyberstorm - much well-crafted than I expected. even if it's too hard for me to enjoy, props for that. those bursts are still ass, though
dishevel - how to make a hard file 101. innovative and tricky patterns, great balance between playability and difficulty. nicely done.
do it this way - maybe i'm just tired or maybe it really is the file, but this just exhausted me. it's a really nice song, but the steps are sooo flourishy that they barely have any room to breathe. i still enjoyed it to some degree, just not as much as i had anticipated.
fatal tragedy - freeze usage is really messy in some parts, and the layers of the song don't always blend well together. that said, you handle the song's difficult sections with grace and the pattern choice is strong throughout. not a personal favorite, but a very sturdy file nonetheless.
ge4ce v2 - way too hard for me to enjoy, refraining from judgment
haereticus - really really dumpy, but to be fair so is the song. honestly, I did not enjoy this at all.
jack-the-ripper - song offers plenty to express, and the steps capture the tension of the rhythms and the dissonance in the melody very well. if there's one thing I wish, it's that the freezes/mines had been expressed with some more elegance...the file can get a bit too crowded at times. nonetheless, this is my favorite file from Yosh in this pack.
lockene - failed out. i'm not good enough to enjoy this. why are these so many of these ridiculously hard files in this pack, though?
rip roar power - i failed but i still kind of...enjoyed it? whoa. gave a much needed jolt of energy to the system
st. alphonso's pancake breakfast - this is a really great file, man. super groovy, great song, clean but challenging steps
bridgeport run - really intense file but it's clear you put a lot of thought into this and the steps always match the song well. beautiful song, too.
time out (piano solo) - um YES
unconnected - usually files like these aren't my cup of tea but i ended up rather enjoying this. good patterns.
waltz of the big dogs - really really hard but I still enjoyed it. really nice job bringing out all of the different layers to the piano. ending is absurdly hard but the climax works
we are high speed - another mi40 file : D not as classic as some of your other work in this pack but still very very enjoyable. flows beautifully, i can tell a lot of thought went into these patterns. you really might be one of my favorite stepartists at this point
why am i here - you are knocking it out of the park with your files this go around, Fission. this was phenomenal. snare hits layered in during guitar solos can get very messy (and did in this case), and there were a few mild inconsistencies with the percussive minifreezes, but otherwise this was flawlessly executed. i'm really excited to see where you go from here.
zen - Mr. BOB! this is pretty great, really brutal file with some tricky patterns. maybe a bit too few jumps to justify all of those hands but that's more of the song than anything else, great to see you back.[/spoiler]

empty skydiving - decent. jumpstream files like this one are a dime a dozen, and the pattern choice here never rises above passable, but the dubstep part still made me sit up in my chair a bit. you show promise, but I think you should practice thinking about detailed patterns that'll really bring out the song. and work on blending your 24ths/32nds, because that entire part was awkwaaaard.
endlessstation - there has to be a better way to pattern those little 32nd minitrills. the really amazing thing about this is how light it feels, even though it's really tough. I think you've developed a very nice aesthetic and it shows in every file you make.
gravestoned - I think the biggest word that came to mind with this file was "rigid". It's very well-made, no doubt, but style and flow are sacrificed for technical accuracy (always layering big hits as hands, having double freezes cluttering the file). The gimmicks were fine, though nothing outstanding.
jordan - whoa, awesome file! freezes got a little crowded/long, but this was still great to hit.
mirage garden - played Oni. good file, some parts are realllly uncomfortable to hit/look at but for some reason it still felt natural to me when i was hitting it. Heavy might be more my cup of tea, is it different?
requien for a team - for such a heavy file, this is really, surprisingly graceful. the ending's a tad abrupt, but I find very little to complain about and a lot to praise.
salieri strikes back - heavy: so many color notes, omg. great file, though!
oni: virtually flawless. flow s0 g0od, color notes handled with great care, and climax is insane.
synaptic plasticity - yes yes yes. impeccable file. so much fun.
ultraviolent junglist - it takes a lot to keep somebody's interest for over five minutes, but damned if this isn't captivating throughout. exquisite file.
karma-fied - i saved this for last. and for good reason. i am astounded at the level of creativity and detail and work you have poured into this file. in fact, i'm just going to shut up right now and go play it again. the fact that something like this exists is the reason why Stepmania will always be special.

Last edited by moches; 05-29-2013 at 08:11 AM..
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