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Old 05-20-2013, 02:34 AM   #1284
The Dominator
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Default Re: ODIPack3 submissions (Release when graphics are done)

Probably the biggest reason why I prefer the 10+ scale is the fact that I peek at my score lots during sightreads to judge how far into the song I am tbh. After I know the file well, I could care less if it's rated under a 10, although what Glove says about lower difficulties being unattractive is true (for experienced stepmaniers anyways so w/e). It would make intuitive sense to rate from 1-10 within a pack but what about files outside of the pack that are easier than 1s? You run into the problem people seem to have when buying clothes since size X at one store is not necessarily size X in another (which is why an objective scale would be so nice).

The disadvantage of 10+ for experienced stepmaniers is that difficulties at that stage are almost pointless to check (I barely ever look at difficulty ratings for files anymore).

For the sake of this pack (since it is predominantly not for beginners) I would side with the 10+ scale. If you're going to make packs that cater to new players though I definitely think 1-10 is more appropriate.
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