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Old 04-11-2013, 10:15 PM   #7015
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by iironiic View Post
Well I don't normally play Sivir, but when I do, I start with Q, put a point for E, max Q and then depending on how much I needed the spell shield, place points on E or W. I like Sivir for many reasons. It's really easy to clear minion waves with her W and Q combo. It's also fun to toss the boomerang in a position where the enemy is likely to go, especially if they are running away.

Also, I played my first ten ranked games. Ended up with Bronze I. Hopefully I will get promoted to Silver V, but I need a lot to work on. Anyone have any tips generally speaking, especially for ADC/Support? Thanks.
If you like Sivir, a lot of people underestimate her.
Just remember... She can be built like an Ezreal. When she autos she gains bonus movement giving her good kiting, BUT her range is shorter than most.
when I say Ezreal I mean her W has a really short cooldown at max rank, meaning you can proc a Trinity with it for maximum damage.
She counters most supports with stuns like Taric, Blitz, Thresh, Leona, and to be honest... That's most of the supports that people pick in ranked. Rush blitz if not banned or grab Taric. Her Q has REALLY long range and you can use it to hit people while being safe from turret range and more importantly even blitz grabs.
She's one of my top ADCS since 1 spell shield can completely ruin a ADC when trying to 1v1.
varus, ez, graves, cait, ashe.
If you can get the spell shield on lock and know when to time it for ults, stuns, etc. You may very well easily climb up to gold!

If you'd like I enjoy practicing in normals against the enemy and wouldn't mind supporting to help you. c:
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