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Old 03-27-2013, 08:12 PM   #99
Bynary Fission
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Default Re: jTWG LXIV The Indians of 10

Originally Posted by Sage of the Forest View Post
Do not lynch me! I'm only making funny posts to make up for the way I went MIA last game, I felt bad about that. Bynary, as he tried to get me lynched, and there really aren't any people more suspicious.
...What? When did I try to get you lynched? I was defending you - why do you think I haven't posted to lynch you? See these AIM conversations as examples:

j-rodd123 8:46 pm
yea lol, the vigi should use their kill there is really no other suggestion
unless theyre dead already lol

Bynary Fission 8:46 pm
Zoshi could have been the vigi, slim chance but possible

Bynary Fission 8:48 pm
The only other thing I can see is that the vigi sending out a kill and killing a human would be better than him not sending out a kill and dying anyways, which would still result in 2 deaths most likely
But at least his blind shot gives us a chance

j-rodd123 8:50 pm
exactly which is what i was saying lol

Bynary Fission 8:50 pm
yeah, if the heat gets worse I'll address that
I should probably post the AIM conversation too at some point
Where this was said

j-rodd123 8:51 pm
yea do it

Bynary Fission 8:51 pm
But if I seem like I'm stumbling over myself
I'll get lynched for sure
I've got 3 votes as it is

j-rodd123 8:53 pm
who do u want to die

Bynary Fission 8:53 pm
Nobody at the moment, nobody has really caught my suspicion
I mean, some people piled on Sage but what he said didn't really prove much

(rbennie362) For some reason Sage isn't sitting well with me.
Bynary Fission (11:34:01 AM): Why so?
[Robert bennie, Bynary Fission and more] (11:34:09 AM): (rbennie362) Then again I haven't really played with any of yall, so its hard to pass early judgements.
[Robert bennie, Bynary Fission and more] (11:34:22 AM): (rbennie362) More or less a hunch.
Bynary Fission (11:34:26 AM): Well
[Robert bennie, Bynary Fission and more] (11:34:30 AM): (rbennie362) But some of it ties into what I just posted
Bynary Fission (11:34:32 AM): From what I know about him in the previous game
[Robert bennie, Bynary Fission and more] (11:34:37 AM): (pjpaveloff) I think its safe to go for sage
Bynary Fission (11:34:40 AM): He's more or less posting just like that
[Robert bennie, Bynary Fission and more] (11:34:48 AM): (pjpaveloff) and if it isnt him then manti
Bynary Fission (11:35:10 AM): Well, manti *did* mention that dying on N1 would vindicate him as wolf, and he didn't
[Robert bennie, Bynary Fission and more] (11:35:12 AM): (rbennie362) Would you insta manti today if we agreed on it?
[Robert bennie, Bynary Fission and more] (11:35:13 AM): (rbennie362) Or sage?
Bynary Fission (11:35:16 AM): But from a logical standpoint he is correct
Bynary Fission (11:35:18 AM): hmm
Bynary Fission (11:35:27 AM): Wait a little more - I want to see what both of them say
Bynary Fission (11:35:35 AM): Both of us have safetied so we'll wait for now
[Robert bennie, Bynary Fission and more] (11:35:38 AM): (rbennie362) What do you think Boss?
[Robert bennie, Bynary Fission and more] (11:35:42 AM): (pjpaveloff) I suspect sage way more.
Bynary Fission (11:35:50 AM): Why?
[Robert bennie, Bynary Fission and more] (11:36:23 AM): (pjpaveloff) Well just becuase I dont suspect manti
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