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Old 01-24-2013, 10:43 PM   #14
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Default Re: So I now own Georgia's 2nd ITG dedicab

I'm glad you got the machine and that it works and all... but when looking at these photos something gave me chills. The fur stood up on my arms and I couldn't figure out why. I was already a little skeptical when you told me earlier it was going in your basement but after seeing these photos I knew something was up.... so I took a deeper look at them with some image enhancing technologies.

The one that stood out most to me was this one, seemed like just an ordinary picture.

Nothing out of the ordinary...until I took a closer look with some technologies that I stole from the csi miami's datacenter. When you clear out some of the artifacting and pixelation of the image and zoom in a little... well... I nearly fell out of my chair in horror.

Something was wrong...this couldn't have been right. And then I took more into account. You have one of two machines in Georgia. One of two, with the other being owned by flash. Now take the letters of flash's name...5 letters. Now take how many machines are in Georgia...2. 5-2 = 3. How many letters are in cat? 3.
Yes this sounds ridiculous but look at it like this: There are 7 letters in georgia and 5 letters in flash. 7-5=2. 2 machines. Now consider that you own 1 of the 2 machines. 1+2=3. 3 = Cats.

This is a fucking catspiracy
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