Thread: Do you rage?
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Old 01-24-2013, 08:43 AM   #48
lol internet
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Default Re: Do you rage?

The only game I've been playing recently has been LoL (and pokemon but that's kind of hard to get mad at) and I used to rage pretty badly. I never got to the point of hitting anything, but more just getting sullen, foul-mouthed, and just plain -frustrated- at my teammates or anyone but me even when it was my fault.

I've since found that if something bad happens I either take it in stride or laugh at just how terrible some people can be at that game. It can actually get pretty hilarious if you can find the humor in one of your teammates trying to make a play and falling flat on his face.

Originally Posted by SaguchiTheCat View Post
You are an ultimate humafag. Calling you an ultimate humafag is an understatement. You are a complete loonatic huma****! You should be shot with a bazooka for thinking this.
You've been hanging around the wrong furries, then. Most furries are nice people. ALL humafags are huge jerks. Environmentalists are good people who care about this planet, unlike you, Squeek.
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