Thread: Tass AMA
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Old 01-12-2013, 02:34 PM   #28
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Default Re: Tass AMA

Originally Posted by Zapmeister View Post
You're playing poker with a tiger, a raccoon, a starfish, a goblin, and a chimpanzee. You're holding As 10s and the flop is Jh 10d 7s. Immediately, the tiger confidently makes a bet of 2x the minimum. The raccoon folds. The starfish takes a while to think and then raises to 4x. The goblin folds. The chimpanzee is being really hyperactive and when it finally settles down it calls, while being overprotective of his cards. Do you fold, call, raise, or run screaming?

What are 5 uses for a stapler without staples?

Can you lick your elbow?

If you could pick 1 famous historical figure and randomly time-teleport them to present day for 1 day (as an observer, they can't interact with anything, to prevent paradoxes) during the middle of their life (this would confuse the hell out of them), whom would you pick?
What the hell am I doing in that game in the first place? That aside... I'd fold; middle pair with 3 to a straight and a flush with 2 raisers and a caller already in the pot? You know the tiger will call behind me... that guy is a maniac; not to worried about him. But the starfish is as tight as an asshole, so he's gotta be holding at least top-2 if not a set. Plus the chimp has the worst poker face ever, so he's got a quality hand too. My only shot is runner-runner or another ten, and even hitting trip 10s probably won't win. Easy fold. That's also not considering the preflop action.

I don't even own a stapler... I can't think of a single decent use for one. Except maybe as a projectile weapon towards your head. Get some paper clips.

I can not lick my elbow.

Tesla. Definitely Tesla. I think he would love and appreciate the future more than anyone else in history. That would be my reward to him... and, of course, I'd get to spend a day picking the brain of the greatest mad scientist of all time.
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