Thread: Tass AMA
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Old 01-12-2013, 10:55 AM   #26
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Default Re: Tass AMA

Originally Posted by Reincarnate View Post
Favorite memory of FFR (outside of stuff like the admincave etc)?
Hmm. Definitely community meetups. The 2 FFRCons in Ohio, the live TWG I went to in Virginia, getting free chicken from Isak's baby-mama (forget her name) in exchange for a photo of me for the photo scavenger hunt. There are so many... I had so much fun being at the center of FFR for all those years.

Originally Posted by dragonmegaXX View Post
Do you actually care about the future of this site or do you not give a flying fuck if it shuts down?

Do you recognize me at all?

Also how big is your e-penis
I will always care about the future of online rhythm gaming... but because of what happened between Synth and me, and Synth's overall apathy towards the success of this site... it's hard for me to care much at all.

I have no idea who you are.

My e-penis is MUCH bigger than my actual penis.

Originally Posted by Lambdadelta View Post
Holy shit... The man returns...
So many fucking questions to ask...

Explain your FFR life. from when you first joined up to the point you left. I'm all ears for a good story.

do you have a blog I can follow?

is your youtube still Tasselfoot?
My FFR life? I've posted my FFR origin story a bunch of times over the years... have fun finding it in my 25,000+ posts. And I don't really want to spend the next hour writing up 5,000 words on 6 years of history; almost all of it can be found in my post history.

My blog is on, but I haven't posted on it in almost a year. Prior to that though, I was fairly active with it... so there is a decent bit of Tass history on there if you want to read through it.

My youtube is still, but since starting with Armor, I don't upload much on my own channel anymore. A lot of my content is added to

Originally Posted by UserNameGoesHere View Post
How would one get on with Armor Games? Would it be enough to make a popular enough game on Newgrounds or Kongregate and then you'd be able to get on or what?

Why don't you visit FFR more often? Still have any hard feelings towards anyone?

How busy are you, on an average day?

What is your opinion on the various changes FFR has gone through since your departure?

If you had one wish what would it be?

On instant messengers, are you extra exclusive with who you talk to? I know I've sent you messages before to see how you were doing and what you were up to since it had been a long time -- only to find you ignored them. Not like wait a while for a response -- but like no response ever. After a few tries each spread out over a long time period and same result each time, I gave up. I understand if you're busy, but you might should indicate that in your status. If you'd prefer only a select few communicate with you, you should probably make your account private.

It came across to me as if you just didn't want to have anything to do with anyone if they were from FFR due to resentment against the FFR community or something like that since you were "done with FFR". Correct this if I am mistaken.
To get onto Armor, you have to go through me. I scour the flash game world every day to see what games have been released, which ones are doing well, and whether any of them would be a good fit for our users. Then I reach out to the developers and try to make a deal to get their game on our site. If you're looking to get into making flash games and making money from making flash games, I'd HIGHLY recommend joining It's the brokerage website for buying/selling flash games, and the users are generally helpful.

My only hard feelings towards FFR are with Synth, and even those are mostly just regret of what could have been. It's like any job... if you quit, you generally don't keep going back there just to hang out.

Generally I work 2-3 hours a day, 7 days a week. More strenuous days could be up to about 5 hours. I've got a pretty good thing going

I really don't know the changes FFR has gone through since the site came back up in Oct 2010. I've only checked in 2-3 times since then, and besides knowing there is a "Velocity Engine"... I don't know much else.

More wishes? I have no idea... probably $7 billion dollars, taken from the coffers of Saudi oilmen?

In regards to IMs, I've had the same policy forever... if you don't tell me who you are and why you're IMing me, I'm going to ignore you. And up until about a year ago, I did clearly state this in my away message. Something to the effect of, "My status is set to away 24/7, but chances are I'm here. Leave me a message as to why you're IMing me and I'll get back to you shortly." But, in general, I am not a fan of worthless IMs... the whole baseless "Oh hi. How are you?" "Good." "Oh good." End of dialogue.
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