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Old 12-8-2012, 08:13 PM   #39
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Default Re: Why are some cops complete a-holes?

It's like that all over.
I had a buddy of mine be pulled over a few blocks from his house.
Cops asked him to open a locked box in his car, to which they need a warrant to open anything locked. Of course they can haul your vehicle away and hold it til you do open it but it's your right and choice to open it or not.
My buddy didn't want to open the box and for good reason (go ahead and guess what was inside), so the cops proceeded to slam his face into the side of the car and just rough him up. Eventually he said go ahead and take my car. He went home, called a lawyer and was ready to file a suit.

Now it's not like they just pushed him around or anything no, his whole face was swollen, bruised and beaten. I couldn't believe it. The police in my town did this? The people that I had met when my mom worked at the fire station (the police and fire station were in the same building) were capable of such lawlessness and disregard for safety that they would just beat up a 19 year old male?

I never did hear what happened in the suit, but I know the cops said that the video from the dashcam was "destroyed" or otherwise unrepresentable.

I do know that the cops were disciplined in some way but it still blows my mind to think about this.

Illinois cops are dicks.
Originally Posted by Choofers View Post
i was up aound 11 ish to my my mom textinin me over voaevover avo oover, asking if o wamt food from china so i said hai and off sent went to a p; blasnd buffet bu o wl who cares
Originally Posted by cetaka View Post
whats namine like in person
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