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Old 11-29-2012, 10:34 PM   #14
Massive flaming dildos.
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Default Re: Having a difficult time deciding what to do with my life.

I appreciate all the advice. Foil, I actually remember you from when I used to be on here every day and always admired you for your intelligence. I'm not saying you're a genius, but compared to me you are, aha. I really wanted to get into engineering but I can't just hop into university for one big reason... I never took any university level credits in high school and in Canada you MUST have a minimum of 6 of those credits that relate to the program you're applying to be accepted. So my only option is to basically take "upgrading" and take some basic college level courses and then get accepted into university.

I love everything automotive related but there are no jobs for that in Canada and I have no interest living in America. I don't want to become a mechanic because 1. They make no money and 2. everyone who is a mechanic and has posted about their experience on forums I've read and such hate their jobs and wish they took something different and more rewarding in college or university.

Going from 80's and 90's in Math to failing two tests out of three really brought down my confidence. It really hurt me mentally. Math was always my strong suit, I never tried, never studied, didn't even own a binder during my 12th grade and I still graduated with an 80 in Math. Now I take notes, I do homework, I study and I failed. I can sorta say it's the teachers fault because he just writes the question on the black board and answers it without letting us do it first. When I mentioned his name to student services the woman rolled her eyes and said I should file a complaint because I'm not the only one.

The reason a career working with computers interests me is because it's clean and isn't labor intensive. I'll look into a bachelors in computer sciences. I just don't feel like I'm good enough and will end up wasting my parents money (they're paying) and I feel like a disappointment to them and to myself. I've gone from doing fuck all with my life (sleeping 12 hours a day, no job, etc) to being in school and working a part-time job and then I end up dropping the program, failing all my courses (I dropped out too late to get "withdrawal" marks), so I'm fucked.

Crashfan: I cannot live off 2,000$ a month, aha. I've made that multiple times working laboring jobs that I got from posting ads online aha. I've had jobs making 15-17 an hour more than once, but hated them because they were outside during the summer and incredibly labor intensive (masonry, construction, renovating). I'm making 11.00 an hour + tips working in a kitchen part time. Even after taxes I'm making 11.50-12.00 because of that tip-out. Our min-wage is 10.25$/hr here in Ontario.

TLDR: I'll take basic upgrading (math, basic programming, chemistry, etc and try my best and see what I enjoy by doing those classes.

Last edited by EnR; 11-29-2012 at 10:37 PM..
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