Thread: Black Ops 2
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Old 11-14-2012, 07:37 PM   #68
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Default Re: Black Ops 2

skimming through these 4 pages i have some things to say

1. if you base how good a CoD game is based on the story then you're a retard

2. if you thought MW3 was better than blops then you're a retard

3. if you think CoD actually has a "competitive" scene then you're a retard. i used to play "competitive" MW2 on a team called West Of The Border and thought i was the shit because we were good. the comp scene for call of duty is a joke. pretty much any game on console is (queue console vs pc war) the closest thing its had to a competitive scene is CoD4's Promod on PC and unless something like that makes a comeback on the blops 2 PC then the game's "comp" scene will die by next year's installment

4. if you actually bought the game you're a retard. you're still playing a reskinned CoD4 with a few extra perks and attachments

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