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Old 09-10-2012, 07:01 PM   #2
It's Saint Pepsi bitch
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Default Re: Lets talk about Size

It's like that one comedian said, America has it all ****ed up with the standard measuring system. Doctors use the metric system, and for most everyone else in the world, they'll know pretty much know how large their 14cm wound is without having the need to have a grapefruit as a comparison. Even still, saying, oh, the earth is about 40,000 kilometers in circumference, is almost like saying oh, at least a million atoms comprise the ball of this pin.

I think about, and have thought about things like this basically since I've had the ability to start thinking for myself. How to put into perspective something so incredibly immense as the universe, our galaxy, even the earth. You really can't do it. I mean, to try to create that sort of model in your head, to have some sort of grasp of the universal perspective, it's impossible. We obviously have math and computers that aim to simulate the size of things, but we will likely never be able to truly grasp the size of larger scale objects while using our normal thinking patterns and modern science alone. Our consciousness itself would have to elevate, to match the perspective you would be trying to share when explaining objects that large. I personally hold an "esoterically scientific" view toward this type of stuff when trying to figure out what the universe means in terms of it's sheer size compared to myself and the world I live in. The universe is indeed vast beyond measure, but the significance of the role you play in the cosmic play is completely up to where you decide to end your search for wholeness.

Last edited by korny; 09-10-2012 at 07:13 PM..
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