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Old 08-21-2012, 03:57 AM   #475
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Default Re: 7th Official FFR Tournament ~predictions thread~

In the scale of the whole tournament, one massive misplacement isn't that far-fetched of an concept out of this many people. Managing all of those people and doing checks throughout each week in my own time and checking ips/replays/levelranks/chat logs is no easy task. I invite anyone who wants to play a part in placements to speak up and contact me when the next tournament is advertised.

On another note, the forum isn't the place to complain and bitch about placements. You can technically be removed from the tournament for doing so (if you read the tourney OP). If you have an issue, PM me about it. I have responded to countless nmp PMs this week alone, so it isn't like it is such an impossible task.

The problem at this end of the tournament is that whether he is bumped/not bumped/removed a few people (or more) will be adversely affected and will nopt be happy. There is no win-win in this scenario and at this point all I can say is that any account I could connect with nmp pre-tourn had no or worse stats than he possesses. In the event that he is harbouring another FFR account that has better stats, somebody step forward and pass it onto me. From what I can tell he is an sm player, steps somewhat and managed to sit idle in a lower division until it was too late when he was found out.

Until the time in which users can compose themselves in a manner that doesn't involve 100% bitch posts about how shit wasn't done properly and how they obviously have far superior knowledge and organisational skills, this thread will stay locked for the moment. Just know that investigations on players are still taking place and that I am doing everything in my power to ensure that the tournament continues to run smoothly.
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