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Old 08-13-2012, 12:27 PM   #133
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Default Re: Started building a retro game collection...

Originally Posted by wildfireskunk View Post
Let's get a few pictures of things of mine that haven't been put away then ^_^ Lots of big (low quality, thanks phone) pictures under the cut!

A few of my consoles and my IIDX controller that still hasn't seen any use in the 3 years I've owned it.

Most of my SNES games sit on the shelf underneath it. On the end are the 2 N64 Zelda games. I'm not sure why... Also, I'm so annoyed that PAL and JAP SNES games don't have end labels! What a nightmare everytime I want to find a specific game.

Most of my favourite boxed games sit in this little cabinet. The Jap FFVI was signed by Nobuo Uematsu when I met him at Distant Worlds last year! Decided to get that signed as the box art is sooooo much nicer than the US FFIII. Also I'm a massive Breath of Fire nut. Next somewhat pricey purchase is going to be an EU BoF2 for the SNES.

Mostly sony bits and pieces, along with most of my animu figurines. Lots of my PS1 and PSP titles are in a cardboard box atm so missing from this. Not quite sure why I have 3 Zelda Game and Watches either.

My gaming setup atm. Very messy and far from ideal, but I'm looking to move soon so w/e. N64 is on the shelf behind, under the Super Famicom + games.

More Super Famicom games. I wish I could read Japanese :<

Some of my more modern shiat. Plus Monster Hunter pinkies and Pokemon badges <3

Some of my guides, artbooks (mostly NIS and KOEI stuff), and LE Catherine and FO:NV on the far right. More artbooks in a drawer somewhere.

Super Play and N64 magazine were probably the best gaming magazines ever released. Going for fullsets of both, lots of doubles as I'm getting them in bulk. Shoebox has more N64 mags in. PPP has never seen play either! Luckily my girlfriend recently got ahold of a debug PS2, so PPP and IIDX will be setup when we move!

My favourite SSBB character <3

22 cards short of the full set, half of them on the common side of the scale!

When I move I'm gonna properly photo everything when it's laid out as I want it. Currently I'm looking for more PAL and JAP release SNES games, PAL GB games, or good US exclusive SNES titles.

I'd also murder someone to get ahold of a working US SNES. Those things are almost impossible to find over here, and I have some US SNES games I want to play properly.
Thats awesome, dude. Did you play the BoF 2 translation?

I love BoF, it's easily my favorite game series. Great collection!
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