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Old 06-21-2012, 04:52 PM   #47
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Default Re: FFR Community Pack Summer 2012 Released

reviews as they come

this pack is hella big though ):

24th Century Boy
(Heavy) - Thought the jumpjack [12] towards the beginning/early-mid were kind of out of place. The mines at the beginning were unnecessary. Couldn't tell from playthrough if 24th stream on the percussion was accurate or not, hue. I thought there were a few flow issues but otherwise not a bad file.
(Oni) - More or less same review as Heavy. Stream patterns are bleh for me but I suck so don't mind me

(Heavy) - Wasn't really feeling this file. Poorly watered down from Oni (I assume this is the second chart). I felt like it would have been more appropriate to focus more on the main synth for the easier chart.
(Oni) - Not too bad. Drum buildup mines weren't entirely necessary and while I appreciate your technicality, I think it would have been more enjoyable to open up that column and differentiate patterns in that section. Rest of the file is decent.

Abstract Art
(Standard) - Tight file. Thought it was pretty fun. Nothing much else to say.
(Heavy) - Nothing really to say, good file. One little thing that irked me was the holdjacks in the beginning; I know you were emphasizing the high-hat but it was kinda hard to read on my noteskin when I was playing lol x)

Acchi de Kocchi de
n1 bg
(Standard) - A bit repetitive due to length but surprisingly fun.
(Heavy) - Kinda dumpy. Standard is a more appropriate chart imo. Some of the hold patterns were ugh to hit, but again I'm bad. Still decent though.

Activation Synthesis Theory
this is a restep right
(Standard) - Pretty cool. Pretty hard pain for a standard xd. I feel this is probably bordering on a marathon file. After playing the other two difficulties, I think you should have simplified this farther cause the difficulty gap between the standard and heavy is not very large tbh (or maybe I just don't remember enough places that were different cause they all seemed basically in the middle somewhere where you added a few jumps)
(Heavy) - Nice.
(Beginner) - dat techinical. I didn't really play this (i know I'd fail) but I looked at it with FailOff. Fine as a beginner scoring file I guess.

Advent of Purinou ! Satan-sama
(Standard) - Fine. I remember having a minor complaint about something but I forget now so (o:
(Heavy) - Fun.
(Oni) - Fun.
Originally Posted by Gundam-Dude
my semen is flying through the air as we speak
We climb up a lot of ladders, and fall down a lot of chutes.

Taking "all" oddjobs! PM me requests. Requests filled: 2 last active Mar. 6th, 2017

Keep it real pls. Will deny requests I cannot manage.

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