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Old 02-28-2012, 04:07 PM   #1
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Default Superfreak04's Credit Giveaway

So I have not logged into FFR since January 30th. It was that day that I decided that I would leave FFR for good. But I just realized that I have a good amount of credits still on my account. So I said to myself, I'll log in one last time and have a credit giveaway. But, only one person will win. The winner will receive 667,921 credits. This is will be the last day I will log into FFR. So anyways, lets get down to the rules.

I'm going to pick a color from this website:

The first person to guess the color I picked, wins the credits.


1.) You may only guess twice. Only one color per post.
Example: 1st post - Green
2nd post - Pink.

If you are not correct in either of your posts, you are DONE.

2.) You must have at least 300 posts on the forums. This is to eliminate the use of alts for people to get more than 2 tries. If you have an alt with more than that many posts, well then I guess that's okay, lmao.

Anyways, that's all. Once someone wins, they will receive the credits immediately. You have until 10 PM central time. (Not that it should take that long, lul) If no one guesses the correct answer within the time given, then I will have no choice, but to give it to a user of my choice, which is completely biased, so you guys better get correct, lul.

Have fun.

TL;DR - Guess the color I picked on the website. You get 2 chances, choose wisely.
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