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Old 12-2-2011, 01:31 PM   #614
sunshine and rainbows
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Default Re: Is it wrong to be gay?

"Also, my views. I believe being gay is nothing but a mere fetish, much like one liking feet, scat, or loli, whatever gets your aroused I believe it should be kept behind closed doors."

Rushy is a straight man, right? Have you ever gotten around by the thoughts or images of mutiple men having sex with 1 woman? I'm assuming yes. Do you call yourself gay because of it? No, although a specific part of that turn-on involves other men.
Have you ever been turned on by the thought of 2 women making out? Again I'm assuming yes. But you don't call yourself a lesbian, so why does it turn you on?
Both these things could be considered fetishes (although I'm pretty sure fairly common ones, so I'm not sure if the term 'fetish' really applies), and they both involve things that potentially question your own sexuality. Yet in neither case do you consider yourself a homosexual, and in 1 case you specifically wouldn't like the homosexuality aspect of it, (ie: probably a turn-off if you found out those women are homosexuals,) which begs the question: why do you call yourself straight?

If I had sex with another woman, I wouldn't call myself a lesbian. I wouldn't call myself bi-sexual. If I had a threesome with a man and a woman, I wouldn't call myself bisexual then either. There's obviously something about men that I like that women just...don't evoke in me, and I don't think ever will. There is an emotional component in romance and love that sexual acts don't need to involve. I have never fallen in love with a woman and I have never had a crush on a woman, and that is why I call myself straight. Why are you straight?
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