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Old 11-8-2011, 02:12 AM   #642
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Default Re: TC_Halogen's Halloween Tournament!

Originally Posted by subin View Post
Don't hit those right to left rolls as [34][12][34][12][34][12] jump trills, as 99.99% of people would.

Instead, hit them as [4][3][12] patterns. That means you would imagine that the right and up arrow were detached (but not a 32nd apart, more like a 64th apart). To hit it like this, you would hit the down and the left arrow as if they were jumps (just like the jump-trill), but instead of hitting the right and up as a jump, hit them ever-so-slightly detached. You would ALMOST hit them as jumps, but let the finger you normally hit the up arrow with, come down that millisecond later than the finger you use to hit the right arrow.

If I jump-trill in any song, I get goods most of the time (between 1-3, if the jumptrill lasted for say, 3 seconds). If I use the above technique, I would AAA 19/20 times.

Give it a try.
this is a clever idea. flam'ing rolls is something i got decent at trying to MA some old midare files (stuff like syriana with rolls built from 64th gallops instead of 32nds) but it never occurred to me to try it as a pseudo-cheat. thanks for the tip man!
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