Thread: A Suicide Note
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Old 10-5-2011, 06:46 PM   #1
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Default A Suicide Note

To whom it may concern:

I grew up west of the city and lived quite happily for much of my childhood. I loved my parents dearly and I mirthfully played outside with my friends most of the time. I lived a completely carefree life. I thought that life would be one big happy romp in the grass.

That was until he came along. The young man, he couldn't have been much older than me, had his friend beat me to submission, imprisoned me, and took me away from my family. He even changed my name. The psychotic freak healed my wounds and acted as if we were to be lifelong friends. He said that we were going on grand adventures and that we would be the true masters of our time. I was so scared that I complied and went with him. He told me that the first order of business was to improve myself through combat. I had play-fought with my friends some when I was younger, but I was no brute. I tried to tell him that I had no desire to fight, but he just kept responding as if I were excited at the prospect. I don't think he understood me.

I had a glimmer of hope when I saw where we were going. He was taking me home! I thought the nightmare was over. My friends had all come out to see me. They had been so worried about me ever since I disappeared. But that's when I heard the boy speak. "Attack."

No. I refused to believe it. This sadist had brought me home with the intention of having me slaughter my friends?! I refused. But that's when something strange came over me. I felt myself losing control of myself and before I knew what was happening, I was clawing at my best friend's eyes. I tried with all my might to will myself to stop, but it was no use. My kidnapper had complete control over me. I don't know how he was doing any of this, but I was forced to watch as my own limbs cut apart first one, then two, then three, then scores of my childhood friends and acquaintances. Tears streamed down my face as I was powerless to stop the carnage.

My heart sank when I saw two familiar faces in the distance. It was my parents. I screamed at them to run - that I was not in control of myself. They didn't understand. They saw that I was upset and ran to comfort me. I wish to God that they had just ran. The boy saw them and danced with delight, seeing them as a proper challenge for me, his new pet. I begged. I pleaded with the boy to end this senseless melee. Again, he seemed to think I wanted to go through with the sordid deed.

I don't know if they survived. I was so tired by the time the boy took me away, I think I passed out. I awoke in a hospital of sorts, the boy standing over me telling me that I did great - that I was on my way to being the strongest there ever was. I wanted to die.

It was then that I resolved to end my life. Not only had I perhaps killed my own family, but I had destroyed the lives of everyone I had ever loved - none of it by my own will. Without my free will, who knows what other atrocities the boy would have me commit to satisfy whatever horrifying desires he needs sated.

While imprisoned, I have no means of killing myself but my own. Somehow I am free to act here, but not out there. I suppose this new-found strength would be put to use one last time. I will slash my jugular and be free of this torture. My one wish is that the survivors that were left know that I fought against it as hard as I could, that this was not my fault, and that I hope I see them again.

Sandshrew (my master saw fit to name me, "Cockface.")


Just an idea I had. I thought it was funny. Pokemon always seemed strange to me how you'd catch a poke and go back to where you got it and destroy things there to level it up. Wouldn't your poke like... know everyone there?
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Originally Posted by FoJaR View Post
dammit chaz
Originally Posted by FoJaR View Post
god dammit chaz
Originally Posted by MalReynolds
I bet when you live in a glass house, the temptation to throw stones is magnified strictly because you're not supposed to.

Last edited by All_That_Chaz; 10-6-2011 at 03:41 PM..
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