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Old 09-30-2011, 04:07 PM   #16
FFR Player
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 157
Default Re: Automatic Screenshot Renamer

Originally Posted by TheNoSoMan View Post
i would download the mod, but i would like a screenshot of the gameplay screen before i would use it.
Good point. Here's the gameplay screen:

Differences between this and 3.95:
- The score doesn't show in game. I played around with it, but I couldn't get it to show above the bottom pane for some reason.
- In widescreen there are black bars to the left and right.
- The difficulty icon is not the same in the bottom left, but it is in pretty much the same place.
- The combo doesn't pulse and is always the same size (I changed that intentionally for myself). It's not to hard to add back in if you want it.
- The combo is behind the notes by default. This can be changed by opening
sm-ssc\Data\UserPrefs\_fallback\UserPrefComboUnderField.cfg and chaning it to false. If there is another folder in the sm-ssc\Data\UserPrefs directory you might have to change it there instead.
- The song artist/title is shown at the bottom.
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