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Old 08-22-2011, 10:37 AM   #5
sunshine and rainbows
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Default Re: What's the story behind your Username? V2

Cavernio is Veronica, my name, with the letters all mixed up.

One of my friends came up with it sometime in highschool actually. I had this ancient pencil case that I used when I was in elementary that had little plastic pockets on the side, and I suppose it came with the cardboard letters that you put in the spaces. Being bored in class one day, she decided to try and make the worst sounding name she could out of the letters. It also fit kinda well because my nickname's Vern...which is another story about the good ol' days of elementary where someone thought to tease me by calling me that. My friends of year(s)? later picked up on it, and it stuck.
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