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Old 08-20-2011, 02:50 PM   #462
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Default Re: New Song Artist's Special Batch - Submission Closed

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen View Post
I'm about 10 seconds from locking this thread in the same manner that Tass locked up the previous batch thread. Stop arguing about notes being late before the deadline -- people should be grateful that notes are being done as quick as they are.
If you don't want to read people arguing about notes being late, you probably shouldn't read every post in the batch topic. I see no reason to deprive people of reasonable batch discussion just because you're annoyed that a couple of users are impatient. Besides, it feels a bit like abuse of power to be closing a thread just because the posts annoy you.

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen View Post
It's also hilarious that users are allowed to joke around about how we're taking forever, but when the judges play around and say they're going to "torture the users" by waiting, we get yelled at.
I kind of feel like judges have more power/authority than regular users (at least in terms of the batch), so they have more of a responsibility, and a little more is expected of them morally. When regular users joke at the expense of a judge it's a bit mean, but when judges joke at the expense of a whole group of regular users it feels more malicious.

Originally Posted by TC_Halogen View Post
Unrelated question: is it possible to have an .sm file be required for notes too, so that us DDream users don't have to open SM to save an opened a .dwi file for a .sm file to generate?
Good idea, although IMO it should be part of the responsibility of the batch organizer to do stuff like this.
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