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Old 04-10-2005, 03:09 AM   #102
FFR Player
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You know... just because Nima says its an SDP doesn't make it an SDP... Just thought I'd say that

Although I'm curious as to how you'll get all these AAAA's on "judge 4" and you can't manage to AAAA j219 on judge 1...
For your sake though, I hope that your real AAAA's were on judge 4... I'm sure it'd be disappointing to think that you were really awesome and then find out that your AAAA's really amounted to nothing because... an AAAA on judge 1 on an easy song is... too easy to say the least.
Good luck!

Are you sure you opened the right ini file?
Because... if your judge windowscale was 1.5, it'd automatically show up as judge 1 in your SM, and in your video it was clearly showing judge 4, not judge 1 in the machine options. Could it be possible you opened the wrong ini by mistake? Look into that...

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