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Old 06-15-2011, 05:05 PM   #4
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Default Re: Why isn't everybody like me?!?

I am buddhist, it is a very philosophical religion which holds no firm belief in the idea of God.

While reading your post here are some things I thought:
As a philosopher you must have, at some point, studied society. and (almost) by definition a society has diversity. Society does not have to hold the same values as you, not everybody will want to be "in - tune" with their philosophical side. As I read your post I thought you were going along the lines of a dictator by saying people should think about philosophy.

Also, not everybody has the opportunity or desire to think about philosophy. A person may be a honest and hard-working and that is enough for them! They don't feel the need to change themselves, they are content as they are. To judge them for not "considering philosophy" or to think you are better than them because they don't "consider philosophy" as much as you leaves them in a much more virtuous position than you.

Anyway, I could write essays and essays about topics like this so better stop!
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