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Old 06-15-2011, 04:18 PM   #3
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Default Re: Why isn't everybody like me?!?

Luckily I didn't attend a French Cegep: no philosophy class. I don't see anything wrong with people liking philosophy, however.
Good, very good. But the problem is, that's not the same things with everybody. Just go in a philosophy class. My friend even heard, one time: that class is so weird and useless. The name of the class the guy was talking about was Politic and ETHIC. Yes, ethic is so weird and useless...

Well, for now on, I don't seems to have people who disagree. Which is logic: who will disagree on critical thinking in the section of critical thinking...

But that's another evidence of how philosophy is fondamental: you can't say that philosophy isn't fondamental without using philosophy yourself...

But, I will wait, and maybe some people would disagree on the fact that everybody should give a try on philosophy...

Philosophy is pure reason, logic, and rationality. I know I hated it at first because my teacher used to be a big jerk when correcting our papers.
Hum, yeah... that's the matter...

Why so many philosophy teachers are weird? For this, I can't blame the ones that dislike philosophy class if they have a bad teacher. Seriously, I think that the government must put a stronger structure on these classes. The teachers just don't need to have all this liberty. Now, they can do want they want in their class. Some even teach more about the historical part of it, not talking this much about the theories...

I bet you're from Quebec, too. xD
Are you saying that because of this:
(not in my country but in others) think patriotism is one of the best values
Or this:
it’s hard to write an opinion like this when it’s not in your first language…]

Haha, yes I am!

Oh, and, Thatskier I really love your picture... remind me of some "divided by zero" joke we did in college...

Last edited by 3Bey; 06-15-2011 at 04:23 PM..
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