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Old 06-12-2011, 10:20 AM   #3
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Default Re: Sony Network PS3 Online

Originally Posted by supermousie View Post
Well, Prolexic or whatever it was called didn't work, DDoS'ing is pretty much untraceable as it doesn't distinguish itself from normal traffic, their servers were hacked by accident...

In short: Nothing.
I'm sorry but I don't think you really know what you're talking about. DDoSing is by no means untraceable, and a DDoS attack isn't what brought PSN down for 5 days although they were DDoS'd. DDoSing is in no way shape or form hacking, rather than a method to make a server unreachable. Somebody intruded Sony's computer systems and stole a whole bunch of information. Sony's response to this was the right one, being shutting down PSN while they found holes in their security and fixed them. After finding out they got hacked again through SQL injection I'm pretty sure their security is hilariously terrible. SQL injection is a VERY basic thing to protect against. It's like trying to protect yourself from sun-burns and not putting any sun-screen on. It's pretty sad that they got hacked this way. I don't know how PSN got hacked but if they had that kind of gaping hole in their security I wouldn't be surprised if PSNs hole was just as gaping. In the end there's no such thing as absolute security, but you can minimize threats to the point where there's pretty much no threat at all. Banks have managed to never get hacked, but it's sad to say that I think my little server in my basement is far more secure that anything Sony can make.

Last edited by fido123; 06-12-2011 at 10:25 AM..
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