Thread: Drugs
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Old 05-14-2011, 06:33 PM   #235
bevarages for lyfe
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Default Re: Drugs

Stoned so I'll post.
Everything in life has positive and negative sides and drugs aren't an exception. I really wouldn't call doing drugs productive though. Some types of drugs can be useful for self exploration or therapeutic purposes when used correctly, but not that many people are interested in using them correctly. Not to mention the fact that the vast majority of drug users are consuming either powerfully addictive pharmaceuticals or dangerously low-quality/impure products. A horse is a horse of course but LSD isn't always LSD.
And about pot-
I goddamn love weed, I smoke top quality dank every day but it's not nearly as innocent as most people seem to think. It can zap your ambition entirely if you're not careful, and habitual marijuana use causes some relatively short and mild yet unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Mostly boredom, lack of appetite and insomnia. And it's expensive, unless you buy poop weed. And poopy weed is awful for you because of the much larger amount you have to smoke, the unclean smuggling process, chemicals and fertilizers that are improperly flushed by inexperienced growers and improper curing.
I've done a lot of almost every kind of freakin drug, and I eventually quit doing most of them because they had an overall negative effect on my life. Now I only smoke pot often. I'll do LSD or mushrooms once in a blue moon, I choose to minimize my use of psychedelics because if I've been trippin too much, I don't get anything out of it and feel like a tard.
IMO we SHOULD have the right to put anything we want in our bodies. And I think that in a perfect world everyone would realize that the consequences of doin smack or chugging robotussin or smoking pot and driving or trippin and rock climbing affect more people than themselves and actually GIVE A SHIT about that fact. But we don't live in a perfect world.
So as much as I love trippin balls and blowin fat blunts, I think that the vast majority of drugs should stay illegal.


I saw some of you guys talking about spice and salvia and robotrippin and shit - trust me, stay away from all of that. DXM WILL turn you into a retarded nihilistic dinosaur
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