Thread: Parents?
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Old 03-31-2011, 05:18 PM   #39
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Default Re: Parents?

I could say that I disagree with my parents on many points, after all, debate is a big thing for me and I like to be right. My parents are abusive more than a lot of you can think, I have a step-father who could care less about me and a mother who really doesn't like to be involved in fear of the worst. That doesn't mean you go after them and be a prick to them. If they abuse you, the best you could do is get help. I talk to counsellors. I don't go around mouthing off at my parents like a little devil child. Learn to respect your parents, no matter what they do to you. They gave birth to you. They put you into this world. Do them a solid and stop being rude to them. That goes for all you kids who think their parents are terrible.

They don't let me play games very often, they don't let me hang out with friends as often as I'd like to. But because of that, I do well in school and many people I talk to (relatives, volunteers and customers where I work), tell me that I'm respectable. But, who do I owe it to? I owe it to my parents to have raised me as a respectable gentleman, and even though my step-dad doesn't care, my mother is there to put me into shape whenever I get close to being out of line; which I tell you, isn't very often.

So all you immature brats that think you have a terrible life because your parents don't let you do things, think again. Think where you'd be if you didn't get the guidance from them. How would you get through perilous times, hardships and so on? You wouldn't. Your parents have been in this world for a long time, much longer than you, so I'd sit down, shut up, and understand why they do what they do. They've already experienced childhood, gone through tough times with their parents, but, let's be honest, who hasn't? I'm not saying to kiss their hands or feet every time you see them, just saying to respect them and show you care. Arguing with them about things with validity are fine. Arguing about stuff like why you disagree with their views on politics, disagreeing with how they solve problems. I can say that my mom is the most unorthodox when it comes to solving problems in Mathematics, but she gets the job done right. I argue with her, she argues with me. There's no shame in voicing your opinions. This also means not snapping at them when you argue. Voice your case in a respectable manner, so that they understand exactly what's going on.

Think twice before making a thread like this.
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