Thread: Drugs
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Old 01-20-2011, 04:32 PM   #41
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Default Re: Drugs

My philosophy on doing drugs in the first place.

Experimentation is retarded, it only takes 1 time to become addicted, and it's not worth it to take the risk. Taking drugs for recreational purposes is also retarded, you don't need to be tripping to have a good time. More times than not, you're too damn stoned to remember anything that happened anyway, so there's really no purpose in taking them in the first place.

Alcohol is bad only if you become addicted or become too intoxicated. I don't really understand the purpose of drinking alcohol if it's just going to make you look stupid, sound stupid, and feel like shit.

Cigarettes and marijuana should both be illegal. Cigarettes can kill you. Marijuana can lead you to killing others. Neither seem like they should be legal, especially cigarettes because there has never been a medical purpose or good cause for them.

Sure tobacco chews your body up because IIRC, they put fiberglass in it, but at least you're ****ing up your own life instead of the little old lady crossing the street. This is probably the reason why cigarettes are legal too. The reason why I think cigarettes should be illegal and tobacco legal is because there's no second-hand tobacco deaths.

So basically, there are no good outcomes from taking drugs for recreation, and I don't think 99% of people doing these drugs have a medical marijuana prescription. So in my opinion, stay off the drugs, stay off the booze, stay off the cigs and it'll be better off for everyone involved.

Originally Posted by Yieldsign View Post
I'd go ahead and say that if illegal drugs were legalized, then death as a result would be a. sufficiently informed, b. have law suits against it. Lmfao nice argument.
Yeah, and if pigs flew, the universe would be a magical place. Fact of the matter is that illegal drugs are illegal, so there are no public warnings and nobody would dare make a suit resulting from taking illegal drugs. Also, I thought this was a place for discussion not trolling, this is like the 3rd time you've targeted me so far, and that makes you, sir, an asshole.

Last edited by rushyrulz; 01-20-2011 at 04:38 PM..
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