Thread: Drugs
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Old 01-20-2011, 02:33 PM   #21
Little Chief Hare
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Default Re: Drugs

Originally Posted by ScylaX View Post
It's kinda out of subject, but I don't see the point of living if it's about escaping from your perceptions that allows you to feel the world, just concentrate on how to be positive and the time will help you. Unless there is actually no way from escaping to your conditions.
My perceptions don't necessarily allow me to feel the world, and being aware of the world and of my problems doesn't necessarily mean being able to navigate the world or solve my problems. There are all kinds of problems I can see but not solve. There are all kinds of pains which blur my perception of reality. Admittedly drugs themselves obfuscate perception in their own capacity, but it's a trade-off, and it isn't always bad.

My body, for example, causes me a significant amount of distress. My life experiences cause a significant amount of distress. Both of these are a part of me, I can't escape them but I can certainly conceal them to an extent or dress them up. There are ways I can do this through my sheer force of will, or which my brain does automatically. My attraction to the furry aesthetic and association with my fursona are examples of this, they allow me to organize my perception of my body (for certain purposes) around a surrogate which takes away some of the discomfort I have. Alcohol and Marijuana have proven to be similarly beneficial, although I couldn't give you an exact explanation of how.

If I were just poor or something then you would be right. Drugs are overwhelmingly associated with the poor, and most of them (those who aren't unprotected minorities condemned by the dominant belief systems of the states they live in) can improve their situation with limited effort. I really don't see an inherent problem with escapism though. There's only so much fighting a person can be expected to do before they start taking measures to lessen the pain of their circumstances rather than making futile efforts to change them.
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