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Old 12-25-2010, 11:02 AM   #7
Massive flaming dildos.
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Default Re: pet peeves/dislikes/fears

Hey... I have a subwoofer in my car and listen to my bass full.... But I mainly listen to Metal so it's not even that bassy.

Oh, my friend spits a lot and it ****ing grosses me out, like if you hang out with him in the summer time, you look on the ground after 10 minutes of hanging out and there's a god damn puddle.

Also, Izzy... Since when did I hate you? Haha, I don't think you've ever done anything hate-worthy.

I also hate when people speed up to get infront of you before the lane merges into a single lane, right before the speed limit goes from a 60 to an 80 and then they do exactly the god damn speed limit. YOU WERE DOING 20KMPH OVER 2 SECONDS AGO, NOW YOU'RE DOING EXACTLY THE SPEED LIMIT.

Oh yea... What about people who never hold the door open, they just open the door and don't even look behind to see if there's anyone behind them.... Ignorant pricks. Or when they don't say thank you when I keep th door open for them.
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